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Sunday 27 October 2019

End of a warm sunny autumn?

Clocks have gone back, yet outside it's still lovely and warm. Daytime high today 18.9C before the clouds rolled in from the west bringing a change in the weather shortly after midday.

Below: the Road looks flashback-American; 1950s Kentucky in late 2010s Mazovia. Here's the DW683 looking towards Ludwików. One of my favourite road landscapes around these parts.

But take care on those roads - there are fools out there empowered by oversized cars with oversized engines who cause mayhem, injury and death. Ulica Bolesława Chrobrego between Łbiska and Pęchery. Road is straight, sun is high, conditions are fine - and yet the SUV driver took and chance while overtaking - straight into the front of an oncoming Corolla.

The last warm sunset of 2019? Looking west from my działka's rear balcony... No tweaking necessary of saturation or vibrance controls on Photoshop.

...and looking south-west from the front balcony.

Last fine morning, then, 27 October, 2019... Jeziorki.

This time last year:
Remont of Metro bridge over Puławska

This time two years ago:
We are what we read, what we watch, what we listen to

This time six years ago:
Extraordinarily warm autumn

This time seven years ago:
On behalf of the work-shy community

This time eight years ago:
Classic truck cavalcade

This time nine years ago
Suburban back-roads clogged with commuters

This time ten years ago:
Autumn gold, Łazienkowski Park

This time ten years ago:
Quintessential autumnal Jeziorki

This time 12 years ago:
Google Earth updates its map of Jeziorki

1 comment:

  1. Sir,
    today's day-time high in Warsaw was +19.8C rather than +18.9C (and vs. yesterday's high of mere +19.2C).
    The spell of warmth in the second and third decade of October 2019 deserves a separate note which is due to appear next weekend (once full-month stats are available).
    Now time to brace ourselves for first frost this autumn (though I hope clouds help Warsaw escape it as they did on the sixth, seventh and eighth day of this month and the weather might again try to beat the record of late first frost (21 November in 2017).
    Next occurence of +20C temperature - no earlier than second half of March 2020.
