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Saturday 12 October 2019

More from the Radom line modernisation

Ready for the big track switch next weekend! Below: checking the overhead power line between Sułkowice and Czachówek Południowy - where the newly modernised track meets the previously modernised section.

Below: the new platform 2 is ready - benches, signage, passing loop (track 4) and 'up' line (track 2). I am concerned about a seeming lack of passenger access to Jakubowizna east of the railway - at present it looks like a half-kilometre detour is need to get to the new platform! I guess passengers wanting to go home to their houses in Jakubowizna will rather jump off the platform at the far end, cross the (rarely used) loop line and scramble up the embankment than go the long way round...

The map from Google Earth shows the old path from the platform to Jakubowizna (in yellow, just short of 130m) and the way that passengers returning home to Jakubowizna are expected to go while the works progress (in red, 530m, an extra 400m, or additional five minutes walking time each way).

It will soon be farewell to the old platform (below), built in 1934 (half of it has already gone). In its place will be the new 'down' line, and where the old 'down' line is (to right of frame), the new platform will arise. Note the ballast stockpile to the far right - this has shrunk considerably; the rest will go when the second track is modernised.

The new timetable comes into force on 20 October. But the promise that one track to Radom will be modernised by then, cutting the journey time by over an hour, has come to nought. An earlier version of the new time table showed that the 22:21 service from W-wa Wschodnia that calls at W-wa Jeziorki at 23:00 will arrive in Radom, as it currently does, at 01:50, with that replacement bus service from Warka still doing its bit. Three and half hours, then, to cover the 110km from W-wa Wschodnia to Radom. Seven hours there and back, for those unfortunate enough to have commute each day.

Below: an older (optimistic) version of the new timetable (posted at W-wa Jeziorki)...

Below: the version of the new timetable posted at Chynów shows the service terminating at Radom at the same time as the old one - ten to two in the morning.


Below: savouring the mellowness of a bright, warm, autumn day - Jakubowizna, just down the road from my działka.

Below: the road between Wola Wągrodzka and Chosna. Gorgeous weather for October, the high today was 22C.

This time three years ago:
Gliwice, much nicer than I'd expected

This time six years ago:
Poland does poorly in Global AgeWatch ranking

This time seven years ago:

This time eight years ago:

This time nine years ago:


  1. Michael:

    Warsaw is getting some nice weather in the next few days.

    And are the busses running past midnight?

    I liked the app too.

  2. What a Remarkably beautiful and uplifting Vista photograph that concludes this particular blog entry, with its solitary important cloud adding context and texture.

    Frater Roadmap

  3. Lovely photos of a sunny autumn day. A bit of a contrast to brisk showers wind-driven across the chalk hills of Wiltshire.

    Optimism seems a common facet of large projects, and not just railway ones. Delivering them on time is a hard lesson, as we have found in the UK.
