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Saturday 2 November 2019

Autumnal moods, Ealing

A reflective season, time to consider intimations of mortality, the passing of parents (my mother died on 1 November, my father on 29 October). Ealing at this time of year has a smell that brings back so many memories, the smell of wet foliage and bonfires. A strong wind tore across southern England today, bringing down trees. At my father's house all day preparing the Order of Service for the funeral mass which takes place next Saturday (9 November). As the evening started to draw in, it was time for a walk; 10,000 paces takes an hour and half; eight km, five miles.

Along Cleveland Road, familiar topography. Below: looking down North Avenue towards St Stephen's church, turned into flats in the 1980s.

Below: corner of Cleveland Road and Edgehill Road. The turreted house in the background (left) is a regular location for films and TV series.

Below: once an ear, nose and throat clinic, this building is now an annex to an old people's home.

Up towards Hanger Hill. This is Fox Lane, leading down towards Sandall Road, with Hanger Hill Park on either side.

I find a fallen bough has come down over the footpath...

Back in Cleveland Park on my homeward journey. I hope a bus comes. I love watching the red double-deckers, mostly empty, at night taking a handful of passengers towards the bright lights of Ealing Broadway...

Here's one - a 297. No longer a 273 or 65 like in the old days, the street lighting's different too - and yet the klimat is unmistakable.

"Hold tight!" would call the conductor, giving the starting signal. "Ding-ding!" Today, a computer-generated voice says "This is a two-nine-seven, for Ealing Broadway. Next stop - Kent Gardens".

Across the road from my father's house, the sound of chainsaws. Two trees have been blown down by the gales and are being chopped up.

This time last year:
Walks in the early-November sun

This time four years ago:
Foggy evening, London

This time five year:
Kraków - Europe's top short-break destination 

This time seven years ago:
Rzeczpospolita publishes infamous 'trotyl' Smolensk story

This time eight years ago:
Wilanowska - south Warsaw transport hub

This time ten years ago:
Powiśle on a cold, clear autumn morning

This time 11 years ago:
Okęcie "to remain Warsaw's only airport"

This time 12 years ago:
Searching for autumnal perfection

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