My new online project...

Thursday 4 June 2020


A good evening to capture a moonrise; I head off towards Nowa Wola to snap the fields as they fill with houses. Suburban living is suddenly becoming in vogue again as citizens seen lower housing density, associated with lower epidemiological risk. Look at the moon (click to enlarge) - I'm lucky enough to catch a plane flying across it - though the lens is too short to do it justice.

This development has sprung up very quickly; these structures have appeared in the last few weeks.

The electrification of the suburbs. All that's missing is the shops, the schools, the hospital, the cinema, the park, the church, the local railway station, bus routes - it's just houses, houses, houses right now - the infrastructure for civilised living will arrive later, spontaneously, believe the developers. I sure hope it will.

Below: rainbow over the new viaduct - sunshine and rain at the golden time of day.

The last rays of sunlight catch the golden hills of soil that have emerged by the S7 extension site

Back to the tracks, where an evening train sets off from W-wa Jeziorki towards town...

...and as it passes, a chance to snap the new houses being build privately on the Jeziorki side.

Below: ulica Nawłocka looking towards ul. Karczunkowska and the eastern ramp onto the viaduct. Beyond that, the giant Biedronka sign that brings this fair suburb light. 

My brother recently mentioned the American photographer Robert Adams in connection with my photographs, while commentator White Horse Pilgrim mentioned the American photographer Ansel Adams in connection with a monochrome shot I posted the other day. Glad my snaps spark off such associations!

This time last year:


  1. Michael,
    It’s Nawłocka, not Buszycka on the last photo.
    Stay safe,

  2. @Neighbour - many thanks for spotting it - duly corrected!

    Stay healthy!
