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Saturday 22 August 2020

Between Warka and Radom - Bartodzieje

I hope that by the end of this month, two-track working will return to the Warsaw-Radom line between Czachówek Południowy and Warka, just under two years since modernisation of this stretch began. The new timetable comes into force tomorrow week - should see 'up' and 'down' platforms in use at Sułkowice, Chynów, Krężel, Michalczew, Gośniewice and Warka. Still a lot of work needed to finish Chynów and Warka stations (underground passages), as well as trackside infrastructure (drainage, level crossings).

But beyond Warka, the situation is not good. There are stretches between Warka and Radom where currently, there are no rails at all on the ground. Work is way behind schedule. I went to see Bartodzieje station (below) to see how things are going. The old tracks here haven't been lifted; several hundred metres of concrete sleepers lie waiting to be put to use, ballast spills out over the platform's edge. And nothing going on here.

The station building, which dates back to 1934, is in the same architectural style as the others on the line, and is more than half a kilometre from the main road. Which is where we'll find this signal box (below). The single line goes into five at Bartodzieje, a station of similar importance to Chynów with goods sidings and a passing loop) which also serves to operate the level crossing.

Looking south from the road to Jedlińsk from Głowaczów, one can see the scale of the works. An entire new embankment is being built here. Saturday lunchtime, and the construction crew is knocking off, bringing the machinery back to base and getting ready to drive home.

Let's zoom in. Below: looking towards Lesiów, the last station before Radom. This is early stages. There's so much to be done - it will be a miracle if the line between Warka and Radom reopens by December 2022. A pair of bridges need to go over the Radomka river and the canal to the north of it.

And moving north of Bartodzieje (lit. 'The Acts of Bart') station, I can see vast amounts of work that still needs doing - like this bridge three-quarters of a kilometres away. Below: photo from Google Maps Street View, dated 2013. This bridge was not fit for purpose - too narrow, unsafe for pedestrians. It had to go.

Below: it's gone - but a new one will be a long time coming. Just a canyon, impassible even on foot. Down at the bottom, no sign of tracks, no new trackbed, no ballast laid - much to do. 

Looking at the dismal state of works, I feel desperately sorry for the people of Radom and its hinterlands who have to travel into Warsaw to work. The replacement bus service is woefully inadequate. Journey time between Warsaw East and Radom right now is around three hours.

Once the work is complete, it will be cut (says PKP PLK) to one hour and 15 minutes - will believe it when I see it.

This time two years ago:

This time three years ago:

This time five years ago:
Sad farewell to Lila the cat

This time six years ago:
Your papers are in order, Panie Dembinski!

This time seven years ago:
Topiary garden by the Vistula

This time nine years ago:
Raymond's Treasure - a short story

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