My new online project...

Wednesday 25 November 2020

First frost, 2020

For five hours this morning, to around 9am, the temperature was below zero, with a minimum of -1.9C. When I woke up, looking out of the window, there was frost on the lawn (szron, as opposed to mróz), the sky was clear and blue. Time to punctuate the working day with a walk between the conference calls and editing. I set off at 1pm, by which time it was a balmy 7C, today's high.

Worth recalling that in 2007 and 2008, by this time in November, Jeziorki had already experienced not just one morning's frost, but proper snow falls.

Below: the section of  tourist trail Szlak Turystyczny MZ-5142-z (W-wa Dawidy - Ciszyca) from ul Sarabandy to ul. Dumki. (Blow up the photo and you'll see the horizontal white/green/white trail marking on a far fence post)

On to the ponds, and it's clear there's been ice formation in the early hours of the morning.

A close-up of the surface of the ice, unusual artefacts on the surface - methane bubbles? By now it's 2pm and after five hours the ice on the north-facing side of a gabion by ul. Kórnicka is still present. This evening, temperatures fell below zero again, so the ice will thicken - but walking across the ponds is a long way off right now!

Below: the presidential Boeing 737 coming into land over Jeziorki

Below: across the tracks to see how the S7 extention is coming on - yes, it's coming on! Working flat out on it, week 38. Above the hills of soil, two cement silos; in the foreground two tippers taking soil to build up the ramps to the new viaduct.

This time two years ago:
Edinburgh, again and again

This time six years ago:
Ahead of the opening of Warsaw's second Metro line

This time seven years ago:
Keep an eye on Ukraine...
(Portents of troubles to come)

This time eight years ago:
Płock by day, Płock by night 

This time nine years ago:
Warning ahead of railway timetable change

This time 12 years ago:
Some thoughts on recycling


  1. Sir should take a look at official weather records and would learn that:
    - first frost in Warsaw was on 14 November 2020 (-0.1C),
    - second frost in Warsaw was on 21 November 2020 (-0.3C).
    Sir has just noticed the third, proper frost.
    Had it actually been on 25 November when the temperature first dropped below 0C, that would have been a record-late frost.
    As of now, I suppose November go down in Warsaw's weather almanachs as snow-free.

  2. I can't say I notice either the -0.1C on 14 Nov or the -0.3C on 21 Nov.

    To paraphrase a Siberian saying, "-0.1C is no frost, 100 metres is no distance and 0.1% is no alcohol"

  3. Me neither, therefore I rely on official precise readings and use 0.0C as cut-off point in my weather notes.

    With the two latter, I agree, to short-distance motorists, I say 1 kilometre or 2 kilometres is no distance.

    BTW with such approach 51 km/h in town is no speeding ;-)

  4. @ student SGH

    51km/h is no speeding. 60/70/80/90 is.
