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Thursday 10 December 2020

First snow for ages!

Ignoring the snow that came and went in a few hours on 29 January of this year, it's been a long time since a proper snowfall visited Jeziorki. Today's snow won't stay long, as temperatures are heading above zero, with rain and +4C forecast for tomorrow night. So while the atmosphere is right, time to drop everything for my constitutional spacer at dusk. I head off up footpath MZ-5142-z (below) towards the ponds.

There's no one around, although I can see footprints in the snow. The lake is not entirely frozen over; the swans, however, have finally had enough and flown off in search of open water.

Below: onward to ulica Kórnicka, looking north-east towards ul. Baletowa. The new estate of four houses has been under construction for three years or so; builders were there today, but no sign of new owners moving in. Blue bin-bags out today - paper and cardboard.

Below: looking south-west from the corner of ul. Kórnicka and ul. Trombity, and the drainage ditch that connects the culvert under the railway line and the ponds.

Below: twilight falls; the previous southbound train still didn't have the lights on for the passengers - this one did. Five minutes past sunset.

Below: by the time I reach the other end of ul. Trombity, the lights come on in the street and houses. And still the snow gently falls... Looking across towards ul. Karczunkowska

Below: final look up ul. Trombity, at the junction with Nawłocka (left) and Dumki (right).

And how did Felusia react to seeing snow for the first time? While she had her lunchtime nap, the snow began to fall; when she woke up, the world outside looked very different to how it did this morning. A fascinating phenomenon for a curious and observant cat. I sense that she's Been Here Before, and what she's seeing is strangely reminiscent of something she can't quite put her paw on...

This time last year:

This time two years ago:
Consciousness, memory and spirit of place

This time three years ago:
Polish Perivale

This time four years ago:
Power in the vertical

This time eight years ago:
And still they come [anomalous flashbacks that is]

This time nine years ago:
Classic glass

This time ten years ago:
What's the Polish for 'pattern'?

This time 12 years ago:
"Rorate caeli de super nubes pluant justum..."

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