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Thursday 18 February 2021

Best day of winter so far

The strong sunlight on the snow boosts your organism; you feel alive and full of verve. Get up and go!

Chances are this will be the last day with a crisp frost, fresh snow, strong sunshine and blue skies. The forecast is for rain and snow, temperatures hovering above zero and heavily overcast.

Below: view from my bedroom window - eventually. The roller blinds had frozen shut; the answer was hot tapwater from a watering can poured into the bottoms of the window frames. And what a view!

Time for a short, half-hour walk before the working day begins in earnest. Below: sun rising through the birches, ulica Dumki.

Below: further along ul. Dumki...

Perfection - not even having to use a polarising filter; this is how my 16-85mm Nikkor lens captured the scene, taken from the frozen lake. From my afternoon walk.

Below: a 209 bus departs from Jeziorki Płn bus stop heading for Dawidy.

Below: an empty biofuel train heads back from Siekierki power station, passing between W-wa Jeziorki and W-wa Dawidy stations.

Sunset approaches, looking west from the other side of the tracks.

Below: setting sun illuminates the last of the row of new houses, ul. Trombity 59 A-L

Below: sunset taken from the other end of the same row of houses, ul. Trombity.

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