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Saturday 10 April 2021

Long walk, back in the swing

Four days after my vaccination, I feel it's safe to exert myself with a long (13,000 paces) walk and return to full exercise regime. Today's walk took me around the junction of the S79 with the S2 and the new S7. 

Below: looking south from the rump of the S79, the S7 extension emerging. I am standing on what will be the southbound lane; the northbound lane runs to the left, while to the right the slip road taking southbound traffic off the S2 runs parallel to the S7 before merging into it. The lamp posts are low as we are near the airport (just behind and to my right).

Below: looking east from Węzeł (junction) Lotnisko; traffic from the S2 can either swing left towards the S79 northbound into Central Warsaw via the airport, or right onto the S7 southbound. Note the S2 service road in the foreground; it currently ends here, but it will be extended to join up with the S7 service road.

Below: a phantom billboard, seen by thousands of eastbound motorists along the S2.

Below: one for my brother - the Woodpecker ('Polnische Knickebein) array in the same place

Below: ulica Złote Łany (literally 'Golden Cornfields Street') goes over the S2 - a proper viaduct with segregated path for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

Below: the fields between Dawidy, Dawidy Bankowe and Jeziorki; once full of the call of skylarks and lapwings, home to hares and foxes and wild boar, will soon resound with the roar of traffic. In the distance, ul. Baletowa.

Below: Baletowa Gothic - the nearest house left standing to the west of the embankment over which the S7 extension will run. Seven houses have been demolished to make way for the new road.

Below: back in my own turf south of ul. Baletowa, the WD3 viaduct in the distance that will join Jeziorki (to the right) and Dawidy Bankowy (to the left). The approach ramps are slowly appearing.

Jeziorki is changing at a faster pace than ever before.

This time last year:

This time five years ago:
Speeches for Leaders, by Charles Crawford

This time six years ago:
In Memoriam - those who died at Smolensk

This time eight years ago:
Warszawa 1935: 3D film reconstructs lost city

This time nine years ago:
Cats and consciousness

This time 11 years ago:
Smolensk - why did this happen?

This time 12 years ago:
Britain's grey squirrels turning red


  1. Phantom billboard or a Russian woodpecker?


  2. @ Marek

    A bit of Photoshoppery... (actually more like a WW2 German Knickebein radio direction guidance kit)
