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Thursday 13 May 2021

Blossom time in Jakubowizna: Part II - the apples

It all came together today - the apple orchards filled with blossom, the sky remained crystalline blue. Perfect conditions to which one had to rush. The beauty of the wi-fi equipped działka is that I can still do some work and take part in a Zoom call as well as going for two walks to catch the very best of the year. Yesterday, the blossom would not quite have been perfect; tomorrow - heavy rain is expected. So - this is the day, this is the day! I shall take it!

Photographic note: most of these photos were taken with a polarising filter, which takes out the polarised component of light from the sky, increasing contrast. In other words, what you see through proper sunglasses. Not once have I even touched the saturation or vibrance sliders - this is how it was today.

Below: like rows of curtsying maidens at a formal ball stand the apple trees, decorated in their finery.

Below: most cherry trees are already losing their bloom, but this little orchard in the shade of a stand of tall oak trees (to the left) still looks magnificent.

dandelions before going to seed. Brightest yellow under a blue sky - and the trees in fresh leaf.

the road to Grobice, orchards on either side.

Below: a study in purity and perfection - blossoms and the blue.

Back on my działka, below. A little corner of heaven. Back to the working day before an evening stroll. Four apple trees less this year (removed to make way for the drive).

A different quality of light in the evening. Sunset today was almost six hours later than the earliest sunset of the year (one hour of which is because of the end-March change to daylight-saving time).

Below: the orchard that overlooks the railway line; Chynów station in the distance.

Below: this spot frequently pops up in posts from Jakubowizna - this is the apple orchard on the corner of my street, recently replanted.

A little taste of 1950s rural America and everything's good with me!

This time two years ago:

This time six years ago:
Then and now: Trafalgar Square (recreating my father's photos)

This time eight years ago:
Reflection upon the City Car

This time ten years ago:
Biblical sky

This time 11 years ago:
Travel broadens the spirit

This time 12 years ago:
Welcome the Ice Saints

This time 14 years ago:
On the farm next door

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