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Monday 10 May 2021

Blossom time in Jakubowizna, Pt 1 - the cherries

Cherries (both the sweet and the sour varieties) blossom before apple trees. A perfectly blue sky and a strong sun lighting up the flowers is a must to experience the perfect blossom time. Today - the cherries.

Below: on my działka, the wooden ladder there to get in and pick the fruit before the starlings do.


Below: a row of cherry trees west of the railway line between Sułkowice and Chynów, south of the DK50.

Below: in a few days' time these rows of apple trees will explode into blossom, but not yet this evening. 

Below: look at the purity of the sky! A cherry orchard between Jakubowizna and Grobice.

Below: the moment will be soon be gone... it must be experienced.

This time last year:

This time two years ago:
Busy doing nothin'

This time seven years ago:
Springtime pictorial

This time eight years ago:
Kitten time!

This time nine years ago:
Warsaw-Centrum to Jeziorki by train with super-wide lens

This time ten years ago:
Loose Lips Sink Ships - part II

This time 11 years ago:
Jeziorki in the infra red 

This time 11 years ago:
Some rain, at last!

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