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Thursday 3 June 2021

Prepare to have your horizons broadened

Things will happen faster than I'd hoped; I don't know whether humanity is ready.

From Politico: "The Senate Intelligence Committee, led by Sen. Marco Rubio, ordered the director of national intelligence to work with the Pentagon on a public report on unidentified aerial phenomena by June 25, 2021."

From the numerous leaks that have already surfaced in the media, it is clear that the US Navy has a great many sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena on record, both credible eyewitness accounts and radar, infra-red and gun-camera footage showing contacts with craft that have capabilities far beyond what science and technology can currently explain. [For the best of these, the 60 Minutes interview with two former naval pilots about an encounter in 2004, video footage of which became public in 2019. Link at the bottom of this post.]

It has become evident that these are not weather balloons, nor swamp gas, Venus low on the horizon or flocks of geese. The US military establishment is embarrassed; these are either drones from enemy foreign powers - or what? It is not a subject that serious people seem want to discuss in public.

The Pentagon's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which ran from 2007 to 2012 to analyse classified reports of UAPs from the US military, has categorised these crafts' so-called 'five observables' - characteristics that are inexplicable using our contemporary knowledge of physics:

1) Anti-gravity lift. All aircraft need flight surfaces (wings, rotors) and means of propulsion (propellers, jets, rockets). Yet objects have been sighted and recorded overcoming earth’s gravity with no visible means of propulsion and lack any flight surfaces. 

2) Sudden and instantaneous acceleration. The UAPs may accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot or aircraft could survive the g-forces. A trained human pilot can withstand up about nine times the force of gravity (9G), an airframe about 18 or 19G before its structure becomes compromised. The UAPs have been recorded performing manoeuvres that would result in forces of over 400G.

3) Hypersonic velocities without signatures. UAPs leave no 'signatures', no vapour trails or sonic booms, while travelling at speeds many times faster than sound. 

4) Low observability, or cloaking. Even when objects are observed, getting a clear and detailed view of them - either through pilot sightings, radar or other means - remains difficult. Witnesses generally only see the glow or haze around them.

5) Trans-medium travel. Some UAP have been seen moving easily in and between different environments - space, earth’s atmosphere and water. Under water, navy sonars have tracked them moving at twice the speed of a nuclear submarine.

AATIP has been replaced by the UAP Task Force. Officially announced last August, its mission is stated as "detecting, analyzing and cataloguing UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to US national security." 

Assuming that a statement is made, it is likely to appear at a time that will least impact the global markets - 25 June is indeed a Friday, so expect it to come after Wall Street has closed for the weekend. The US military and political establishments will try to keep this low-key; the global media is likely to treat the public report in a light-hearted way. Whether this will be headline news depends very much on what else happens on Friday 25 June to shape the world news agenda.

Because the US establishment - and with it the establishments of all NATO governments and even China and Russia - have no clue as to the origin of these unidentified aerial phenomena, a tidal wave of speculation will be unleashed as old certainties crumble.

The aftershock will be profound. Establishments will be shaken to their core. Let's start with the scientific establishment.

The scientific establishment will be rocked to its foundations. We will be hearing about 'worm-holes', 'gravity waves', 'warp bubbles', 'parallel universes', 'string theory', 'fifth (indeed, umpteenth!) dimension', 'time travel', and we'll become familiar with the names of nearby stars orbited by exoplanets. These discussions will go on in the background, for those who are interested. Disclosure by the US government that its airspace is routinely being penetrated by craft of unknown origin displaying performance beyond current human scientific explanation will not chase the pandemic off the headlines, but it will be there.

Prof Avi Loeb, the head of Harvard University's astronomy department, put his reputation on the line in late 2017 by suggesting that the object 'Oumuamua - the first object ever detected entering the solar system from outside - was not a naturally occurring phenomenon, but something built by an advanced intelligence. For four years he has been fending off rebuttals from fellow astrophysicists claiming that it's just a lump of frozen nitrogen, frozen hydrogen, cloud of dust or simply a rock. Yet when asked about the US Navy sightings, Prof Loeb dismisses them as being the result of faulty cameras and old software failures; the same glib dismissal as that is given to his theory regarding 'Oumuamua.

Then there's the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) community. Again, a group of serious scientists using a network of radio telescopes around the world, crunching the big data in the hope of finding signs of alien life, risk being made to look foolish if the US government acknowledges that extra-terrestrial intelligence has been here, under our noses, for ages - and SETI didn't even notice.

I will feel sorry for astronomer Ian Ridpath and other professional UFO sceptics/debunkers, who have spent decades of their careers pouring scorn and disbelief on eyewitnesses of the strangest phenomena. Suddenly, the debunkers' logical, reductionist arguments based on the skilful application of Occam's razor will fall apart. They will still have the kooky end of the UFO community to mock, but once the US government has acknowledged that UAPs are real, that there are hundreds of recordings on radar, infra-red, gun-camera footage and observations from credible eye witnesses, their round rejection of UFOs/UAPs as being something that can be entirely explained away will evaporate.

The UFO industry built up since the late 1940s, stoked by Hollywood and pop culture, will also be seriously shaken. Fondly held theories (US military holds dead alien bodies and has been reverse engineering alien craft for decades) will re-emerge or will be dismissed. Roswell, Area 51, crop circles, alien abductions - these narratives will either become more real or be finally debunked.

Organised religions - in particular Christianity, founded on the notion that Christ sacrificed His life for Mankind - will have to learn how to spin this. Is Jesus also Lord to beings from advanced intelligence that come from - afar? the future? The Vatican has moved in the direction of acknowledging the presence of UFOs, and stands prepared.

Business - in particular that part of it founded on technology - will have to sit up and take notice. If our physics can make these craft do these things - shouldn't we be there, doing it too, exploiting these new capabilities to commercial ends? How will markets open on the morning of Monday 28 June?

Aliens - time-travellers - whatever - have, I as have written on this blog over the years, absolutely no interest in reaching out to us - we are simply not ready. We'd be like a two-year-old child confronted by a great scientist or philosopher - what is there to talk about? How can you conduct a meaningful dialogue? They are not here to sort out our problems.

All we can do is acknowledge, come to terms with a new, Universal reality, and begin to readjust our worldview.

The 60 Minute story.

This time ten years ago:

This time 11 years ago:
Jeziorki's Storm of Storms

This time 13 years ago:
How to tell you're flying over Poland

This time 14 years ago:
Poppy fields

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