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Friday 2 July 2021

First half 2021 health

This is a difficult post for me to write - it seems at first sight that I have passed the peak of my physical strength, and the inevitable decline into old age beckons. As regular readers of this blog will have read, since 1 January 2014, I have kept a daily record of physical activity, diet and alcohol intake. My motto here has been 'beat last year'. To increase strength, endurance, suppleness, I exercise. This year I added squats and back extensions to the daily regime of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, weights and plank.

First half of 2021, and I can boast that I drank 11% less alcohol than in the first half of 2020 (average of 10.2 units per week compared to 11.5 units per week last year). In the context of Public Health England's recommended weekly intake of 14 units, this looks like neo-Mormonism - but the first half of each year takes in the month-and-half of Lent and total abstinence. Still, I'm on target for the 14 units by the end of the year. I can also boast a few more sit-ups than I achieved in H1 2020 and more minutes of  medium-to-high intensity walking (34 minutes 40 seconds average per day in H1 2021) than last year (26 minutes average per day in H1 2020).

The rest - less good. The year started off well - and then in mid-March I was knocked out by a mystery ailment that robbed me of get-up-and-go for six days - no walking, no exercising. Was it Covid? If so, almost asymptomatic (no coughing, shortness of breath, no headaches, no fever - just an inexplicable fatigue.) And I never got back to the tough regime that traditionally hits its peak in Lent.

It's about physical strength - but also it's about strength of will. The will to keep on keeping on. Looking at the year-end targets, I can see that I am able to hit all, beating last year in all areas except two - paces and push-ups. I should be able to beat last year for less drinking, more fresh fruit & veg, planks, pull-ups, sit-ups and weights - but only if I don't slacken the pace over the summer. As I wrote, summer is for taking it easy; one is physically lazier, more focused on enjoying the sunshine than working out. I am on target by the end of this year - but only if I don't start taking it easy.

Blood pressure higher at the end of this June than in previous years - something I put down to overwork and less exercise (see above). 30 June readings - 2021: 127/87; 2020: 110/84; 2019; 111/81; 2018: 112/79; 2017 134/97 (!). Creeping up there - one to watch. Still, the result from four years ago shows that it can be brought down naturally. Throughout the spring, my readings were generally 'optimal', around 119/79. Have to aim for that.

This time two years ago:
Classic Volgas, Ealing and Ursynów

This time three years ago:
Memory and Me

This time five years ago:
Sticks, carrots and nudge - a proposal

This time six years ago:
London vs. Warsaw pt 2: the demographic aspects

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