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Friday 13 August 2021

The Curve

Controversial this. On the horizontal axis - the entire population. On the vertical axes (plural, for there can be many) - understanding, spiritual awakening, wisdom, curiosity, intelligence, powers of observation - powers of concentration. To the right of me, a relatively small number of humans, vastly brighter, smarter, more spiritually sensitive than me. An exponential curve. 

"If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself" - Desiderata, Max Ehrmann, 1927. Wealth, physical and intellectual prowess - yes, attributes connected with the biological being, the ego, rather than its conciousness.

The point in the curve is is where I feel I am in terms of my spiritual evolution - a long way up, many behind me, a smaller number way, way ahead of me; a long, long way to climb; slightly more than halfway between Zero and One? 

To climb that curve requires an eternity. Life after life after life, each one growing in understanding and wisdom. At the top of the curve - oneness, unity, All in God, God in All. Total understanding, absolute consciousness from the Universal and atomic scales.

Am I being a bit elitist in claiming that we are not all equal? That there is spiritual evolution, that some are more advanced than others?

Are we all Capax Dei - literally, 'capable of God' - or are some of the humans that walk among us merely P-zombies - meat-covered robots who have fewer conscious experiences than my cat. [I strongly suspect that Trump is a P-zombie, a human entity devoid of conscious awareness, incapable of self-reflection.]

One night last week, I had the desire to step outside the house into a starlit night and as I did so, I had the unbidden and sudden insight that everyone has their own pathway to God. Mine is through exploration of a mental phenomenon I have experienced since childhood - familiar qualia memories of past lives. Few people report this. Yet some recorded cases of supposed reincarnation (see this one) are greatly stronger than my flashbacks and dreams, higher up the curve. Maybe each pathway to God involves a different curve, one that I'm not necessarily on (one for example involving Jesus or Mohamed), but nevertheless ultimately with the same end goal - divine unity. 

Letting go of the ego is essential. Finding one's pure awareness, untainted by your biological self. You may say 'there is nothing beyond the biological self!' - a proposition that many hold to be true in our materialist society's Newtonian worldview.

Time to ponder on, to meditate, channel, and seek understanding.

This time two years ago:
Fifty years on, my last kolonia

This time eight years ago:
Grodzisk Mazowiecki's pretty station

This time nine years ago:
Exorcism outside the President's Palace

This time ten years ago:
The raging footsoldier - a story about anger

This time 11 years ago:
Graffiti and street art 

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