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Monday 25 October 2021

Sublime autumn, Jeziorki

It's cooling down, frost on the lawn this morning, but what a sky - perfectly azure all day long. Below: view from my bedroom window around 9am. [Incidentally, my laptop awoke to display the time as one hour earlier than it was, despite the change from summer time happening next weekend. Neither did my office laptop, also running Windows 10, nor my desktop, running Windows 7, do this. Can't figure out why.]

Mid afternoon, I set off for a walk. Office work was completed shortly before 8pm, but with the day getting shorter, every minute of such sunshine needs to be benefited from. Below: the field behind my house, giving me those familiar exomnesial vibes of 1950s USA.

Below: classic Jeziorki, the northern pond, full of water, algae bloom gone. In two months' time, maybe three, the ice here should be thick enough to walk across - I hope for a proper winter, not like the dismal, almost snow-free one we had in 2019-2020.

Below: the corner of ulica Trombity and ul. Kórnicka, another classic view of Jeziorki.

Below: a view that anyone who's not been here for six years or more wouldn't recognise - ul. Karczunkowska as it climbs over the railway line. Note the decent infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians - it all ends within a few dozen metres of either side of the viaduct.

Approaching 4pm, still nearly an hour and half before sunset. This time next week, after the clocks really do go back, the sun will set soon after four. Get ready for the Hammer of Darkness. The photo below, taken from the eastern approaches of the viaduct, show how dangerous ul. Karczunkowska is for pedestrians. Imagine the verges on either side either filled with muddy puddles or being ankle-deep in snow on a dark evening. And look at the traffic. No pavement.

Make the most of it while you can! "While sun shines, you better make hay," sung Roxy Music in Editions of You. The hay has long been made, the sentiment remains.

This time two years ago:
New track from Chynów to Warka

This time three years ago:
The possibilities of a quantum universe

This time four years ago:
More about sleep

This time nine years ago:
On behalf of the workshy community

This time ten years ago:
Classic truck cavalcade

This time 11 years ago
Narrow back-roads clogged with commuters

This time 12 years ago:
Autumn gold, Łazienkowski Park

This time 14 years ago:
Of bishops and bands

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