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Monday 1 November 2021

Four days of sublime autumn weather

All day Friday, Saturday, Sunday and today, the sun shone brightly in a sky almost totally bereft of cloud. Four days of magnificent beauty, four days to make the spirit soar unto the heavens. And with a daytime highs of over 15C, balmy weather for the time of year. 


Time for a quick walk before sunset. Below: Machcin II, looking south.


The clocks having gone back, I feel I must make the Most of that extra hour in the morning, and I was rewarded for setting ofp before 8am. The richness of the colours with the low morning sun cloaks the landscape in splendour.

Below: the path ahead leads me back to Jakubowizna; the path the right to Adamów Rososki.

Below: the path to the right leads to Adamów Rososki, the path to the left to Grabina

Below: eastern edge of the forest stretching east from Jakubowizna.

Below: west of Adamów Rososki

Below: morning sun on the tops of the birches, Jakubowizna

Below: looking along the road from Jakubowizna towards Grobice

Below: the road through the forest, between Machcin II and Jakubowizna.

Below: a few hundred metres past my działka, through the wood and into the orchards.

Below: field between the barns, off ul. Słoneczna, looking east.

Below: with long lens looking along ul. Słoneczna (lit. 'sunny street')/

Below: ul. Wspólna ('common street') in Chynów, approaching the border with Jakubowizna.


Below: Canonical Jakubowizna - one of the 'flashback' views that drew me here. 

Below: the road south. Ulica Kolejowa (lit' 'railway street'), newly asphalted. Not all the way though, the station approach is still pot-holed and liable to flooding.

Below: ulica Spokojna (lit. 'peaceful street' - and such it is) runs between Chynów and Piekut, through a forest. At this time of year, no longer plagued by midges.

Below: ul. Spokojna as it approaches the railway crossing, halfway between Chynów and Krężel stations.

Below: approaching the village of  Węszełówka, south of the village of Widok. The light is such that Photoshop cannot enhance a thing. Out of the box, with polarising filter.

Below: a strong mid-century U.S.A vibe here, under an azure sky.

Below: approaching Widok from the south

Below: Is this North Dakota? Are we in Minnesota? No. This is Widok, south of Jakubowizna. And in the picture, the village shop, famed locally for its wild-boar kiełbasa.

Below: what made Grójeckie famous; most of the apples have been safely gathered in.

Today, the sun set at a few minutes past four; waiting, waiting for the hammer of darkness to come crashing down. I am thankful for these days. Intense gratitude.

This time two years ago:

This time three years ago:
Good News

This time five years ago:


  1. Great shots Michael, great sense of place. They make me want to hop on a plane and fly to Warsaw. Your walking posts are always the best, with my all-time favorite being "The Day, seized'. Keep up the good work !

  2. @ Tom - Denver

    Many thanks for your kind comment - good to know what genres of post are popular. I shall certainly be keeping it up!
