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Monday 13 December 2021

Frustration for the local wozidupek* community

Sunday morning - I am checking Skyscraper City for the latest news of local infrastructure developments. The level crossing on ulica Baletowa (modernised just over four years ago) is being closed for a remont. This sign appeared on ul. Puławska. Traffic is being rerouted along ul. Karczunkowska and over the viaduct. This is a three-kilometre detour.

"We gave you fair warn". Several signs along the road right up to the crossing (which was closed on and off for over a year between May 2016 and August 2017 as part of the modernisation of the Warsaw-Radom line).

 Sunday afternoon, the crossing is still open - how many drivers noticed the sign?

Now it's closed. Diggers have dug right across the roadway, parallel to the rails; I suspect that drainage is being improved as flooding has occurred several times on the junction between ul Hołubcowa (the unasphalted track coming off ul. Baletowa. 

Motorists will try it on. Despite the signage, every now and then some doubting Tomasz will check whether the crossing really is closed, and will drive 500m from the junction at ul. Kórnicka as far as the railway and drive 500m back having ascertained that it is closed. 

* Wozidupek - short-distance, one-per-car commuter, who is too important for public transport. A major contributor to global warming.

This time last year:
Small local milestones, Chynów station

This time two years ago:

This time four years ago:
Kick out against change - or accept it?

This time six years ago:
Warwick University alumni meet in Warsaw

This time seven years ago:
Pluses and minuses of PKP InterCity

This time eight years ago:
When transportation breaks down

This time 13 years ago:
Full moon closest to Earth


  1. Looks like Nowa Iwiczna has some issues, closed between 22.00 - 05:00 at the moment.

  2. @ Ian

    Night closures makes sense!

    Also, take a peek at what's going on across Puławska - ul. Geodetów dug up between ul. Wiejska and Energetyków - total mud-bath, must be hell for residents, whether they're moving around on foot, by bike or car.

  3. We have friends over there and it is even worse than Nowa Wola with the lights off. No school this week so haven't seen what the opening of Postepu means.
