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Wednesday 22 December 2021

Snow, sun, Jeziorki joy

Bright, joyous day; minus three Celsius, a gentle overnight fall of snow. The perfect day with which to start astronomical winter 2021-22. Below: ulica Dumki and footpath alongside the ponds.

Below: the northernmost pond, lightly frozen (nowhere near enough to walk on yet!), sprinkled with snow, under a perfectly cloudless sky.

Below: the corner of ul. Kórnicka and ul. Baletowa - and a reminder that there are still working farms in Jeziorki. Last week's works on the level crossing were finished a day early; traffic was back to normal on Sunday.

Below: looking west along an unasphalted stretch of ul. Sporna, one of Warsaw's more unusual thoroughfares, just before it gets cut once again, this time by the railway line.

Below: clouds are drawing in from the west, bringing with them more light snow. Looking from ul. Sporna towards the distribution centre on ul. Baletowa and W-wa Dawidy station.

Below: empty coal wagons heading back towards the coalfields, hauled by a DB Cargo Polska Siemens Vectron electric locomotive.

Left: drainage ditch perpendicular to ul. Kórnicka that runs under it and into the northernmost pond. The ditch also crosses under the railway line, draining excess water from the fields beyond. The low sun catches the dry scrubby foliage; in the distance a fully laden diesel-hauled coal train heading for Siekierki power station. The sky is beautiful - I am catching that 1950s USA vibe powerfully standing here.

Below: more views of the park, looking towards the middle pond.

Below: looking towards the southern pond, increasingly overgrown with reeds.

Below: making its turn before final approach to Okęcie airport, a PZL W-3S Sokół VIP transport helicopter. The first helicopter to be designed and built in Poland.

Below: bonus shot - I saw on Twitter that an Airbus Beluga was flying into Okęcie. I've never seen one in my life; it is carrying a helicopter to Japan. By sheer luck, it is back-lit by a moon shining through thin cloud.

This time two years ago:

This time four years ago:
What did YOU do in the First World Cyber War?

This time five years ago:
Solstice sunset, Gogolińska

This time ten years ago
Extreme fixie

This time 12 years ago:
Poland's worst railway station

This time 13 years ago:
Last Christmas before the Recession?

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