My new online project...

Saturday 12 February 2022

Sunshine, I need sunshine

The week has been dismal; three days of prolonged rain, three days without a walk. On Thursday, I walked back from Wierzbno after moderating a webinar - 10.4km, much of which was in the rain. Friday, like Wednesday and Tuesday, were total washouts. Great, then, was my joy as I opened the roller blinds this morning and saw a cloudless blue sky, for the first time in weeks. The overnight snow was melting. Time to get myself out, catch a train to Jakubowizna and get some fresh air - and sunshine.
Below: my garden, Jakubowizna, emerging from the overnight snow.

Below: moss-covered tree branch, snapped off in the wind - the greenness is as it was, untweaked in Photoshop.

Below: setting off for my walk - passing between the orchards. The dirt track is waterlogged.

Below: reaching into the zenith to catch an (increasingly rare) four-engined aircraft - this is Cargo Air Logic's Boeing 747-400F at 38,000ft over Mazovia.

Below: the canonical birches, where the orchards give way to the forest.

Below: the crossroads east of Jakubowizna, Machcin II. Look at the size of the puddles...

Below: the east end of Jakubowizna, that '50s USA vibe strong in the clear air, under the wires.

Below: the west end of Jakubowizna, half an hour before sunset. Note the moon.

Below: passing trains between Chynów and Krężel - that's the approaching lights of my train back to Jeziorki, the 16:31 from Chynów. Note the vintage military trucks on either side of the level crossing.

Less than half an hour after leaving Chynów, I'm back in W-wa Jeziorki

Below: quarter of an hour after sunset. Three cars sit in a muddy field that passes for the local Park+Ride

Bonus pics, Sunday 13 February...

Fruit Street * (ul. Owocowa); the land is prepared for new apples trees.

The railway line at the bottom of Fruit Street; a southbound InterCity train passes by at speed. Sitting in a train, looking out of the window, I'd wonder about the lives of the people I see in the passing landscapes. Looking at the passengers rushing by - what makes them journey between Warsaw and Kraków this Sunday?

Below: looking south towards the road leading to Warka. Note the waterlogged fields at the bottom

This time six years ago:
Consciousness outside the body

This time eight years ago:
Sustainability and the feminisation of business

This time nine years ago:
Lent kicks off (somewhat earlier than this year)

This time ten years ago:
Feeling at home on the ice

This time 11 years ago:
Wetlands in (a milder) winter

This time 14 years ago:
Railway miscellany


  1. "Desert sky
    Dream beneath a desert sky
    The rivers run but soon run dry
    We need new dreams tonight

    Desert rose
    Dreamed I saw a desert rose
    Dress torn in ribbons and in bows
    Like a siren she calls to me"

    "In God's country" by U2, from the monumental "Joshua Tree" album released in 1987
