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Wednesday 2 March 2022

Lent 2022, Day One - Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday. Ashes, burnt out buildings, bodies of dead civilians in the country next door. Europe in the 21st century - this situation feels out of place. It is difficult for me to focus on spiritual matters at a time like this - where is God - where is the good and just Deity? But then, where was God during the Holocaust? Why does God allow suffering? 

These questions are coming to the fore at the start of this, my 31st consecutive Lent - another 46 days without alcohol and meat (confectionery, biscuits, cakes, soft drinks etc I tend to avoid anyway, so these are not an issue). Lent has become increasingly important to me over the course of the years since I began keeping this blog. It is now not just about giving things up, more a journey of spiritual discovery. Here on this blog, I can track my spiritual development over the years, looking at my increasingly nuanced understanding of God and the Afterlife. This is the season to gather those insights from over the past year, insights that have sharpened my awareness of the numinous, lifting it to a higher level than a year ago. By revisiting my blog posts from previous Lents, I can see what has changed in my thinking, how it has become clearer. Winnowing out ideas that didn't withstand deeper scrutiny. 

Over the next 45 blog posts, I intend to look at spirituality from the perspective of practical mysticism; everyday metaphysical thinking that can help you in day-to-day life. I'm looking for that which helps you focus on what's important, attain greater peace of mind, and advance towards fuller spiritual understanding of the Universe and your place in it, maximising your spiritual potential. The role of consciousness is crucial in this, and the ability to differentiate consciousness from the workings of your ego. I shall be writing about the inner self in all its manifestations; dreams, meditations, prayer, and about my current understanding of the nature of God.

Easter, being a moveable feast, occurs this year two weeks later than last year, falling this year on Sunday 17 April. By mid-April, spring should be here in full bloom having chased away winter. The days will be becoming longer and warmer, and the annual miracle of rebirth will be underway.

I can only pray - focused prayer, prayer that actively reaches out to God in loud petition - that by Easter this barbarism will have stopped, and that peace and rebirth will reign. If you believe in the power of prayer, join me in reaching out to God, asking for an end to the bloodshed and terror. The Syrian civil war is now in its 11th year, with no sign of resolution. May Russia's invasion be stopped - by force of arms or diplomacy; life is too precious for barbarism. Human potential is not to be snuffed out at the whim of a megalomaniac madman. 

This time last year:
Comfort and luxury - knowing when to stop

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