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Thursday 31 March 2022

Let the spirit guide you - Lent 2022: Day 30

Automatic writing - opening your stream of consciousness to allow in bidden thoughts from outside... let the spirit guide you, let it move you. Prayer's back-channel - being open to the celestial feedback. 

So let's start. 

"Always begin with gratitude. Give thanks, promise to be better, kinder, gentler; open your mind to new ideas rather than continuing in the same, well-worn groove. Seek constantly, allow not false premises to distract and mislead you. Sift the false from the true, using an open mind to intuit between them. 

"Now - meditate now, hold open windows to new vistas, pause to ask the way. Actively. Asking for what is good - not just for you and for immediate family and friends - that comes quite easily; ask also for what is good for an ever greater group; your country, your continent, the world - the environment, all creatures great and small, plant life too - open them all to the warmth of God's Universal love, heavenly scented, harmonic warmth that's tasteful to the eye; and ask for spiritual focus whenever your mind stumbles or strays.

"Prayer continual rather than constant, there in the undertow of your thoughts, conscious connection with the Continuous Whole in everything you do, rising above the daily material concerns, placing them into a context of the infinite and eternal. Not thinking too hard, but merging with the flow of the Universal unfolding which will happen with or without you, but nevertheless it wants to include you, if you will let it, if you are open to it, to be a part, a conscious part of that process.

"Rest, work, feed, exercise, socialise; distinguish well-earned rest from common laziness; work on yourself, on your weaknesses, work with yourself, identifying your strengths to develop them in a way that makes the most of your human potential. Growth, from day to day, from year to year, a wholeness of life with learning always at the core. Increased wisdom and understanding - your intuition is often right but ignored or overridden - feel its influence strengthening as your grow. 

"Don't get lost - as soon as you feel you are too far into the woods as day turns to night, draw back, seek the light, for the darkness is not your friend. The Sun as your guide - treat each sunny day as a gift, with eyes closed, face the Sun and give thanks, meditate with gratitude."

The easiest post I've written this Lent! No planning, no thinking, no effort - I just let the above words flow spontaneously through my fingertips - and there we are; the 30th day of Lent, 2022.

This time last year:
The Devil is in Doubt - or does Doubt drive Curiosity?

This time two years ago:
Body and soul

This time four years ago:
Religion and Happiness - a Lenten summary

This time five years ago:
Health and fitness in a Quarter of Abstinence

This time nine years ago:
Easter Sunday in the snow

This time 12 years ago:  
Five weeks into Lent

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