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Tuesday 19 April 2022

Lenten photo catch-up

Lent coincided with the first days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, days of foreboding and unease. A couple of trips to town, several trips to the działka, and just the one business trip - to Łódź.

Below: the S7 is coming along nicely, but no new milestones since the opening of the viaduct between Jeziorki and Dawidy Bankowe.

Below: Łódź - 19th century wooden building, now listed. The centre of Łódź is changing - this is less than 500m from the EC1 and Brama Miasta developments, nearing completion. 

Given a few more years, Łódź will have turned into a splendid city, a mix of the ultra-modern and carefully restored heritage buildings, old factories and palaces. Below: corner of ul. Targowa and Nawrot.

Below: old sign on Platform 3 of W-wa Zachodnia station, mid-modernisation. Platforms 8, 7 and 6 are nearly complete, the suburban platforms will be last to be changed. Sign says 'to alien persons entry is prohibited'.

Below: Zamienie, sunset, approaching equinox. Looking west along the tree-lined ulica Zakładowa that ran through what was the Bio-Vet vaccine plant; after it closed the land was bought by developers, who have built many hundreds of new houses and flats here. As usual, amenities - including proper roads, pavements and public transport - have been neglected.

Back in the garden, Felusia makes a determined run for the garage door and lunchtime. Here I must note the unusually settled fine weather - between 10 and 26 March, there was hardly a single cloud in the sky.

On the działka, my Ukrainian guests, just about to set off to a new life in London after a fortnight in Jakubowizna. Maxim, his mum and grandmother behind him. 

First of April for some fresh snow, which fell heavily through the night, giving a thick cover the next day.

Below: by the 3rd, the snow clouds had passed, a gorgeous day. I visited the działka, and walking from the station the long way via Machcin II, became the first human to tread in this virgin snow. Deep and hard to talk through! Plenty of hare tracks though.

Below: my first stork sighting of this year, 10 April, Jeziorki.

This time last year:

This time six years ago:

This time seven years ago:
Lublin - pearl of Poland's East

This time nine years ago:
70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

This time ten years ago:
Tarkovsky's Stalker: a zone of my own

This time 11 years ago:
Warsaw's big billboards

This time 13 years ago:
Pace of development falters


  1. Sir, did you somehow miss to report on the pedestrians zebra crossings law changes introduced last year? A positive, culture-shock change.
    Btw, I am a Pole who was reading your blog 15 years ago when still in the UK, I returned to Poland in 2008, but visiting your blog from time to time to see if you have finally become disillusioned with those PO folks and to read about the Polish affairs presented from yet another angle. Greetings from Sandomierz, my home town, which I can see made an entry in your blog too :)

  2. Zebra crossings - yes! Very positive change.

    Polish politics have changed since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Nothing will be the same. More to follow!
