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Friday 13 May 2022

A better tomorrow for the soul

It's been a long time since I came across a spiritually inclined scientist who could set out a vision of spiritual evolution that coincides so neatly with my own. From Wikipedia: "Itzhak Bentov (1923-1979) was an Israeli-American scientist, inventor, mystic and author. His inventions, including the steerable cardiac catheter, helped pioneer the biomedical engineering industry. He was also an early proponent of what has come to be referred to as consciousness studies and authored several books on the subject."

This short clip gives an idea of his main thesis regarding how we evolve not just biologically, but as consciousness. Sadly, little has survived of his TV appearances, but we get a good idea of his thinking. 

Tragically, he died in the crash of American Airlines Flight 191 shortly after take-off from Chicago O'Hare Airport in 1979, aged 56, in what was the worst non-terrorism-related aviation disaster to have taken place on US soil. Had he lived into this millennium (and why not - he was born a few months after my father), he could have contributed to the scientific discourse about consciousness in a meaningful way - there would have been many more interlocutors willing to take his ideas seriously and develop them.

An early modern-day panpsychist, he wrote "consciousness permeates everything".  

This time three years ago:
The Ice Saints - right on cue
[today - over 22C fourth day in a row]

This time seven years ago:
Then and now: Trafalgar Square (recreating my father's photos)

This time nine years ago:
Reflection upon the City Car

This time 11 years ago:
Biblical sky

This time 12 years ago:
Travel broadens the spirit

This time 13 years ago:
Welcome the Ice Saints

This time 15 years ago:
On the farm next door

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