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Sunday 1 May 2022

Łady road works

I hop on a passing 715 bus and get off at Jaworowa for a walk home via Falenty Nowe, Łady and Dawidy Bankowe. The weather - the atmosphere - flashback-perfect. I am transported back to rural America in the early 1950s. Below: ulica Jaworowska, between Jaworowa and Falenty Nowe.

Below: ul. Hrabska Droga (lit. 'Count's Road Street'), looking down ul. Grudzi. 

It's been six weeks since the 715 bus stopped going to Nowy Podolszyn, while the junction in the centre of the village of Łady (pron. 'Wuddy') has been closed for a remont. Now it's nearly done.

Below: looking towards Łady from the west. Note the 'no entry' signs... These are on top of the three further back (behind me). It's quite clear that the road is closed.

And yet. Yesterday, the driver of this Jaguar has ignored all eight 'no entry' and 'road closed' signs that he passed. Furthermore, he drove over the zebra crossing as it was being painted. The car went around the roundabout and could not leave, as the northern exit was closed off; he did a U-turn, tried the southern exit - also closed off. Another U-turn. Frustrated, with no way out, he had no alternative but to drive back the way he came - once again crossing the freshly-painted zebra crossing. Twat. Cham.

This is where we are; it's nearly ready. New asphalt before the traffic. A lovely warm day, temperature at last hitting 20C.

And here we are back in May 2007 - 15 years ago, the same place. The Marian shrine that formed the centre of the roundabout has gone, there's proper lighting and road markings, pavements and cycle path have been set up. The Ikarus buses - now but a memory - have been replaced by hybrid buses on the 715 route. Good that the little shop is still there

Taking advantage of today being a public holiday and a Sunday, I figured that there'd be no security around the S7 extension today, giving me a chance to cross over the new footpath/cyclepath, still unfinished (needs on-ramps at either end, hand rails, asphalt and marking). Here's the view looking north towards the road viaduct. Note the plastic barrier blocks in red and white; until the footbridge is open, this is the current route for pedestrians and cyclists. To the right, the highways maintenance depot nears completion.

This time last year:
S7 extension works
[Amazing how much progress has been achieved in a year!]

This time two years ago:

This time three years ago:

This time four years ago:
New roads and rails

This time five years ago:
The Gold Train shoot - lessons learned

This time six years ago:
The Network vs The Hierarchy in politics

This time seven years ago:
45 years under one roof

This time eight years ago:
Digbeth, Birmingham 5

This time nine years ago:
Still months away from the opening of the S2/S79 

This time ten years ago: 
Looking at progress along the S79  

This time 11 years ago:
Snow on 3 May

This time 12 years ago:
Two Polands

This time 13 years ago:
A delightful weekend in the country

This time 14 years ago:
The dismantling of the Rampa

This time 15 years ago:
Flag day

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