My new online project...

Thursday 25 August 2022

Strange twilight

From yesterday, pictures all 'straight out of the box', i.e. the jpeg files with no tampering in Photoshop other than perspective correction. 

Shortly after sunset, I peered out into the garden to see a yellow sky. A storm is due... So here it is - the immediate environs of my działka. So weird, I had to capture this phenomenon on camera. Below: looking out my front door. 

Below: the street outside under a yellow sky. Attracting the strangeness from all around. "Dogs begin to bark/Hounds begin to howl/Watch out, strange cat people/Little red rooster's on the prowl"

Below: looking west towards Chynów. Almost as though lit by sodium.

Below: the wind is whipping up - the downdraft from an advancing deluge. But will it get here?

Below: looking east towards the end of Jakubowizna - where the asphalt ends and the wood begins. The sky is beginning to clear...

Below: looking west at the woods from the other side. The magic is passing; the spell it is broken. Seventeen minutes after sunset.

This time last year:
Ageing and the Ego

This time two years ago:
First inklings of the end of summer

This time four years ago:

This time eight years ago:
Short, sharp diet proves I'm allergy-free

This time nine years ago:
More photos from Radom Air Show

This time ten years ago:
Twilight on ul. Karczunkowska 

This time 13 years ago:
First hints of autumn in the air

This time 14 years ago:
Slovakia - we were not impressed

This time 15 years ago:
Jeziorki - late August cultivation


  1. Dust from ZNPP?


  2. How do you do the perspective-correction?

    In all my years Photoshopping [I stopped around 2015] I had never seen nor done such a thing.

    [even when my graphic designs badly needed it - or even basic respect for a grid!]

    Sodium really does show these orang-y lights, doesn't it?

    If it lit up like that in Australia or in the USA I would immediately suspect fire or a burning-off.

    [but it did disperse ... I was looking around Polish weather and it was 19 degrees thee hours before midnight in a Silesian city].

  3. @ Marek

    Unlikely now - but a distinct possibility. One to watch.

    @ Adelaide

    Ctrl+A, Ctrl+T, then select 'perspective' or 'skew'. Or, for more exotic effects, 'warp'.

    Sodium - you can alter colour temperature, but that would be cheating! My aesthetic is to authentically replicate what I saw and felt at the qualia moment.
