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Saturday 17 September 2022

Behold the Wonder of the Commonplace

1. Ninety-three million miles (150,000 million km) from us shines our Sun. Did it have to be there for us? Without it, no earth, no life on earth.

2. The sun emits light and heat from a massive thermonuclear reaction at its core; radiation from the sun takes eight minutes to reach us.

3. That light and that heat makes plants grow on our planet. Plants such as grasses, fruit and vegetables.

4. These plants convert that energy from the sun into food which we can eat, and which can be eaten by animals, birds and fish, which we can also eat. This gives us energy to move and to think and feel.

5. Our star, Sun, formed 4.6 billion years ago from a molecular cloud, 9.2 billion years after Big Bang. What happened before Big Bang - science can only hypothesise. We do know, however, that our planet began to form around 4.5 billion years ago, in an orbit around our Sun that was just right for life to emerge.

6. Life on our planet began 100 million years after that. The jump from non-life (gas, water, rocks) to life (self-replicating forms that can grow, react, transform energy and transfer information into next generations) is also something about which science can only hypothesise (abiogensis). As far as we know, the jump from non-life to life occurred only the once.

7. Our last universal common ancestor lived 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago, and from this one organism evolved all forms of life on our planet - plants, animals, bacteria, funghi, slime moulds and archaea.

8. There is an unbroken chain of reproduction that runs all the way from the very first life to emerge on this planet to you. Many billions of generations. Had just one of those reproductions failed to happen - your body would not be alive today. (But - I believe - your consciousness would still be here, albeit inhabiting a different organism.)

9. The fact that you are alive on this planet of ours is an absolute miracle, the odds against it being billions to one. But here you are! Conscious! Aware of your awareness! Relish every moment! Give thanks for it!

10. Modern urban life disconnects us from these truths. It is time to reconnect. Plant your bare feet on the soil. Look up at the starry skies. Look at the moss growing, look at clouds forming. Hold a leaf, a blade of grass, in your hand (don't pull it away from the tree or the ground!) - examine it, feel it feeling alive. Re-establish contact with nature. Express gratitude. Be hopeful. 

Your journey from Zero to One is infinitely long. But we will get there.

This time last year:
The force-field of fate

This time two years ago:
Hot in the city

This time three years ago:
Resting with the heroes

This time five years ago:
Polish employers' demographic challenge

This time nine years ago:
The rich, the poor, the entrepreneur

This time ten years ago:
Food: where's the best place to shop in Poland? 

This time 11 years ago:

This time 12 years ago:
Commuting made easy

This time 13 years ago:
Work starts on the S79/S2 'Elka'

This time 14 years ago:
Warsaw's accident-filled streets

1 comment:

  1. The photo makes a perfect background for 60s box art for Revell scale models, or the day after the Late Heavy Bombardment period.

