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Friday 2 September 2022

The Imperceptible End of Summer

The sun may continue to shine in an almost cloudless sky, but the temperatures are dropping; morning will see a mere 7C with a daytime high of 23C. The air is full of the smell of fruit - cider, where the apples are fermenting - vinegar, where the fermentation process is complete. 

Below: looking west along what is now ulica Owocowa ('Fruity Street') towards the tracks. Apple orchards line either side of the road. Sunset is now 1hr 21mins earlier than on the longest day.

Below: the Orłowicz express on its way from Kraków to Olsztyn via Warsaw, just past Chynów station. Running to time.

Below: looking the other way from the embankment at a Warka-bound local train. On the horizon, 42km away, Warsaw. Note the white sheeting just beyond the DK50 viaduct - work is in progress on shoring up the embankments, ensuring that they will not get eroded and that the railway line will not get washed away by future flash-flood events.

No apologies for posting yet another photo of the I of the XII Canonical Prospects of Jakubowizna (although technically this is Chynów). 

Below: same place, yesterday, slightly different angle.

Below: moment of communion. This is why I'm here.

Below: the sun's gone down; looking across to Chynów station, the lights have come on - what's missing is a station bar. A cold beer on arrival would be nice.

Left: just round the corner from the działka - among the tall pines. I do love it in Jakubowizna; a place that clicks with my aesthetic preferences. Summer may be fading into autumn - meteorological autumn began yesterday, astronomical autumn won't begin for another three weeks. By then, we will have lost another half an hour of evening daylight.

I am currently cat-sitting - this is Moni's rescue-cat, Jowisz ('Jupiter'), whose name has been anglicised as Jovis. His previous owner, an elderly lady, died of Covid. Jovis is a gentle cat in late-middle age, and entirely happy to spend life indoors. (Outdoors in Jakubowizna can be dangerous for cats - my neighbours' cat had a large chunk of his face torn away in a fight with another cat.) Jovis will have a happy - and safe - week on the działka.

This time last year:


  1. By Jove!

    What a feline!

    And the big red sunrise.

  2. @ Adelaide

    He's a big boy! So much heavier than Felusia at home!

    Sunset - I've yet to catch a sunrise around here - there's a forest in the way. What's needed is a 15m-high viewing platform!
