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Saturday 29 October 2022

Autumn gold, Jakubowizna

Today, I went into the garden to pick raspberries. It was warm enough to go out wearing a shirt - no jumper or jacket; I picked over a third of a kilo of ripe berries. This is the tail-end of October. Most unusual. If you scroll down to the bottom of this post, you'll see  Jeziorki under a goodly amount of fresh snow ten years ago today, 29 October 2012. 

In the meantime, please enjoy - as I have done - the gorgeousness of golden autumn in Jakubowizna... The sky effect is the result of a circular polarising filter, which seems a bit artificial, but it gives a good representation of the view when wearing Polaroid sunglasses.

Below: the track from Jakubowizna towards Machcin II, as the asphalt and the houses end.

Below: further on along the same track, between the trees, and now looking north.

Below: looking west towards Jakubowizna.

Below: a row of silver birches turning gold across the track from an orchard, from which the apples have all been picked.

Below: the road passing a cherry orchard, between Machcin II and Jakubowizna.

Two days ago, coming home from the station, I saw a new sign on the end of my road, below. The no-through-road sign appeared during the summer, the street name sign has just been put up.

I mentioned this earlier this year - now it's official; the western end of my street (just the first 120m that's in Chynów rather than Jakubowizna) has been called ulica Owocowa, literally 'Fruity Street'.

Below: on the road to Nowe Grobice, sun peeking through clouds and coppiced willows. Right at the end of the road, the railway line.

Below: ul. Nawłocka, Jeziorki, Monday 29 October 2012. The climate is inexorably changing. You can help by driving less, flying less, and installing photovoltaic panels to cut down on coal-generated electricity consumption.

This time last year:
Two years without my father

This time two years ago:
Death of my father

This time five years ago
Recent Jeziorki update

This time six years ago:
Autumn in Jeziorki

This time seven years ago:
A driving ban for developers and architects

This time eight years ago:
Do you keep coming back, or do you seek the new?

This time nine years ago:
In praise of Retro design

This time ten years ago:
First snowfall in Warsaw 

This time 11 years ago:
Of cycles, economic and human 

This time 12 years ago:
Why didn't I read this before? Grapes of Wrath

This time 13 years ago:
Małopolska from the train

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