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Thursday 24 November 2022

First proper snow of 2022/23

Below: my drive, my orchard in the snow. The presence of a goodly snowfall is comforting; climate change is not an inexorable process that creeps ever-forward in one dimension. The beauty is overwhelming. Time, then, to leave office work until the evening and go for a walk before dusk falls.

Below: no electricity from my panels today. This is the first day since the installation was plugged in, when zero point zero kilowatt hours were generated.

Off I go, turning left towards Grobice. Below: canonical in the snow. The woods hold no fear. The mind is clear. I see no human tracks in the snow, just the paw-prints of a large dog and a medium-sized dog. 

Below: snow on unpicked apples. I've picked some; sadly, despite their reasonable appearance outside, when cut through, they are bruised from the core outwards.

Below: just south of Grobice as the track from Machcin II winds its way between orchards. Just before this point I see a large dog and a medium-sized dog frolicking in the snow.

Below: that magical moment when the lights come on; Grobice looking west towards Nowe Grobice.

Below: looking down the hill towards Chynów station soon after sunset, orchards on either side of the tracks. Here in 1933-34, the new railway line between Warsaw and Radom cut through farmers' lands; this was then called Kolonia Michałowizna Część II, as I mentioned in a recent post. On the other side of this hill, just behind this point, I saw the tracks of several hares.

Below: Walking up towards my działka, along the asphalt, under the street lights - just enough civilisation necessary to comfort. Were the asphalt to have been extended further, this quiet no-through-road would have become a shortcut for motorists heading east.

Below: "find the true primordial self" - here it is, in its modern vernacular expression, heated and lit by solar electricity. Wonder, and fusion with the universe. And my place in it.

This time last year:

This time three years ago:
A month and much progress at Chynów station

This time four years ago:
Tram tips for visiting Edinburgh

This time five years ago:
Warsaw to Edinburgh made easier

This time seven years ago:
Stuffocation: the rich-world problem of dealing with too many things

This time ten years ago:
Heroes on the wall (for my father)

This time 12 years ago:
Tax dodge or public service?

This time 13 years ago:
Warsaw's woodlands in autumn

This time 14 years ago:
Still here, the early snow

This time 15 years ago:
Another point of view

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