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Wednesday 22 March 2023

Building your own religion - how AI would do it. Lent 2023: Day 29

Three years ago, my series of Lenten blog posts were about how I'd go about designing my own religion. Today, inspired by a passing thought I had while falling asleep last night, I put decided to put that  same question to ChatGPT, and here are the answers...

Me: "Imagine you are the founder of a new religion. How would you go about creating a new religion from scratch?" 

ChatGPT: "As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs, so I don't advocate for any particular religion or encourage starting one. However, I can provide a general framework on how to build a new religion from scratch based on historical and cultural perspectives.

Here are some aspects to consider when building a new religion: 

  • Purpose: What is the purpose of your religion? What problems does it aim to solve, and what values does it promote?
  • Theology: Develop a system of beliefs and values that explain the purpose of the religion and provide guidelines for behavior. This could include a creation story, moral code, and belief in a higher power.
  • Doctrine: Develop a set of teachings that explain how to live a virtuous life and achieve salvation or enlightenment. These teachings could be in the form of scriptures or oral traditions.
  • Practice: Develop rituals and practices that help followers connect with the divine and live a virtuous life. These could include prayer, meditation, fasting, pilgrimage, or acts of service.
  • Symbols: Choose symbols that represent the beliefs and values of the religion. These symbols could include icons, images, or objects that hold special meaning.
  • Music: Develop music that supports the rituals and practices of the religion. Music can be an important way to evoke emotions and connect with the divine.
  • Holy places: Designate specific places as holy, such as temples, shrines, or natural landscapes. These places can be used for worship, meditation, or pilgrimage.
  • Holy architecture: Design buildings and spaces that reflect the beliefs and values of the religion. Architecture can be used to create a sacred atmosphere and support the rituals and practices of the religion.
  • Community: Create a community of followers who share the beliefs and values of the religion. This community can provide support, fellowship, and accountability.

When building a new religion, it's important to be respectful of other religions and cultures. It's also important to be transparent about the purpose and beliefs of the religion and to allow followers to question and explore their faith."

Why, thank you, Chat GPT! Now, you'll have noticed the links above - these are to individual posts on my blog, written three years ago; I am amazed at how the AI has covered the same points as me. 

However, my conclusion is this: having built my own religion, I found that it is one that needs no followers, nor buildings, nor a hierarchy, nor funding. My religion requires rather intelligent interlocutors prepared to question, to offer suggestions based on intuitions that have sprung from our consciousness - rather than constructing dogma. A walk in the fields to talk about the essence of existence, the purpose of consciousness, the future of the Universe, the interface between faith and science.

I am building a religion for no one but myself. I don't seek anyone to follow, nor do I want anyone to follow me. Rather, I want a small handful of people to walk beside me, talking with me, questioning my assumptions, taking understanding to an ever-higher level, building an ever-more accurate worldview together. I'd be a charlatan if I claimed I knew all the answers. I am seeking. That's literally the only honest stance to take regarding the spiritual.

Lent 2022: Day 29
Meditations on travel

Lent 2021: Day 29
The ups and downs of life

Lent 2020: Day 29

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