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Thursday 2 March 2023

Physical reality and the Metaphysical - Lent 2023: Day nine

Cause and effect is at the heart of our physical effect. For my laptop to slide across my desk, I need to push it. It will not slide unpushed. Without that cause, no effect. Yet enthusiasts of the paranormal talk about psychokinesis, "the hypothetical psychic ability allowing a person to influence a physical system without physical interaction". Experiments have been carried out for well over a century, and yet there have been no proven cases ever. Illusions, magic tricks, yes. But cases described in peer-reviewed scientific papers, no. Does this mean there's no such thing?

Despite the lack of hard evidence, proponents of this phenomenon obstinately refuse to go away. Along with proponents of telepathy, precognition and mystical experiences.

Our physical reality is so strong, so deeply rooted in everyday experience, that to suggest that there is something else behind it, above it or alongside it (meta, super, para) seems absurd at first glance. And for most people, the first glance will often be the last.

The scientific method relies upon repeatable experiments, carried out in controlled conditions in laboratories all over the world, using standard experimental techniques agreed by consensus. The guardians of our rational, material world - the sceptics and debunkers, ever rational, ever watchful for trickery, are keen to point out all the hoaxes, the statistical errors (deliberate or otherwise) and plausible non-paranormal explanations in any of these flaky pseudosciences as proof of absence of any paranormal phenomenon. 

Boxed in by our three spatial and one temporal dimension, by the Standard Model and General Relativity (the two unreconciled with one other) and consciousness (yet to be understood), science is in a bit of a bind when it comes to taking the next giant step. With much to be explained, it's easy to dismiss that which lies beyond the demonstrable as being 'flaky woo-woo' and 'pseudoscience', rather than taking a more open-minded approach.

Let's consider the notion that we can influence random events using consciousness. "Nonsense," says conventional science. But proof of absence is not absence of proof.

Can supernatural phenomena can be tested by scientific method? Will they allow themselves to be discovered?

I would compare claimed supernatural powers such as precognition or telepathy to be present, but extremely weak and barely noticeable. Certainly nothing that any scientific instrument can measure. (Not that any instrument around in the 17th century could measure the outcome of large hadron collisions).

At the range of  the radius of an atomic nucleus, the strong nuclear force that holds together the neutron and proton is about 100 times stronger than electromagnetism, 106 times stronger than the weak nuclear interaction, and 1038 times as strong as gravitation. Could it also be that our supernatural or paranormal or metaphysical powers are of a similar order of magnitude weaker than the physical reality that surrounds us?

So it's not that I'm sceptical about claims regarding the paranormal - it's just that I believe the paranormal - or the metaphysical, if you will - won't let itself be measured by contemporary science.

Out-of-the-ordinary events will happen when they happen. You will continue to notice them. They are more than coincidence. But when you're looking out for them, or checking for them, waiting around for them, armed with scientific instruments - then these paranormal phenomena will evade you, because that is their nature.

Lent 2022: Day nine
Precognition and willing the future

Lent 2021: Day nine
Original Sin - yes, it exists

Lent 2020: Day nine
Can praying bring luck?

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