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Thursday 13 April 2023

My Trinity

A Tuesday-morning intuition, worked on over the past two days. The notion of triple deities or triads are common in religions. So here's my Trinity...

Past – what there was: your genes

Present – what there is: your environment

Future – what there will be: your will

1. The Past

There's nothing you can do about it*. You can't move into another biological self. Our DNA. Your body is the result of an unbroken chain of reproduction that goes back to the earliest  life on our planet. The genetic link that connecting your trillions of ancestors to you. Your genes are determined in advance of your birth. "God the Father", as it were. Thus was it written – the Logos. 

2. The Present

Some elements you can change (diet, exercise, your job, location, friends etc), some you can't. The things you decide, the things you can change physically, will alter our outcome. The material, the down-to-earth, day-to-day matters. The Word Made Flesh, as it were – "God the Son."

3. The Future

The future is what you will it to be, by going and growing with the Flow. What you can change metaphysically by willing it so, as long as it is in alignment with the Purpose. Divine inspiration, intuiting from the future. "God the Holy Spirit" 

Block-universe theory posits that past, present and future are all concurrent, that it is only our subjective experience that separates the three...

Practical examples? Your health. One-third genes. One-third diet & exercise. One-third a strong will to be be healthy. Metaphysically informing your present, and – possibly – your past (see below).

* Or isn't there? How real is retrocausality? The back link between the Future and the Past where time has more than one dimension and its arrow can fold back upon itself.

This time last year:
Spirit of Place and Metaphysics

This time three years ago:
Lockdown stroll, S7 roadworks

This time four years ago:
Construction updates

This time ten years ago:
Pigeon infestation by Dworzec Centralny

This time 13 years ago:
Magnolia in bloom, Ealing

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