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Friday 28 April 2023

Spring magic

The past few days have been colder than last weekend - which was warm and gorgeous. The annual parade of spring wonder draws me out of the house - three walks today to catch the sun and gaze upon the miracle of rebirth.

Below: the forest between Jakubowizna and Machcin II, thinned out by the state loggers. High up in the treetops, raucous crows circle in the air protecting their nests from buzzards.

Below: composition in green, white and yellow under blue. I can see the inspiration for Koleje Mazowieckie's livery.

Below: apple blossom still biding its time - before long, the apple trees will blaze pink and the yellow dandelions will have gone to seed, turning into large, white dandelion clocks.

Below: time for an evening stroll. Looking towards the road, the first four apple trees surrounded by forget-me-nots. My stockade-style fence - made from pruned branches and twigs - is taking shape and gaining height. Cheaper and more eco-friendly than cement. 'Biskupin', remark my neighbours.

Below: photo taken from the site of the old level crossing on ulica Miodowa, an evening all-stations Koleje Mazowieckie service from Warsaw to Radom is passing...

Below: ...a minute later, it's stopping at Chynów station, seen through the long end of my 70-300mm Nikkor zoom. Green, white and yellow, like the spring landscape through which it passes.

Below: the sun now sets just before 8pm. Three months ago, it was setting at quarter past four in the afternoon. Looking north from Jakubowizna towards Wola Pieczyska on the horizon.

This time four years ago:
Building work almost done on the działka

This time five year:
Karczunkowska's closed again

This time six years ago:
Little suitcase in the attic

This time seven years ago:
What I read each week.

This time nine years ago:
Defending Poland, contributing to NATO

This time 11 years ago:
Balloon over Warsaw 

This time 13 years ago:
Happiness, Polish-style

This time 14 years ago:
And watch the river flow...

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