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Monday 1 May 2023

Under azure

The optimal public holiday configuration: Monday 1 May off work, Tuesday 2 May a bridge day, Wednesday 3 May another public holiday. Optimal weather - like yesterday, a crystalline azure sky, cloudless from horizon to horizon. And - due to a stiff westerly breeze - not too hot. Join me for a stroll round the neighbourhood.

Below: the western end of my street is Chynów, rather than Jakubowizna, and is officially named ulica Owocowa ('fruity street'). Apple tree saplings surround the house; the mobile-telephony relay tower on the horizon.

Below: Chynów's ul. Szkolna has a lovely and well-kept Marian shrine - note the flags (white and red for Poland, white and yellow for the Vatican, and blue and white for the Blessed Virgin Mary. May is the Marian month, hence the flags are out.

Below: entering Chynów from the south-west; crossing the bridge over the river Czarna. In the distance the white building is the town hall. This is the old DK50, bypassed in 2007, and as it's a public holiday - the traffic's mercifully light. Turn right for ul. Mostowa.

Below: here's ul. Mostowa linking the bridge to ul. Wolska that runs west to Widok, crossing the railway line on the way. 

Below: ul. Słoneczna rising modestly. The road to the left is on maps as ul. Działkowa, but the street sign says ul. Działowa (click to enlarge).

Below: across the tracks; water tank on the edge of an apple orchard - fringed by a pair of cherry trees. Let's go under one and look up towards the sky through the blossom…

Below: …and here it is - sublime cherry blossom at its finest.

Below: turn left for my part of Jakubowizna. Larks will sing.

Below: a well-invested orchard on the corner of my road - young trees, readily deployable protective netting, sensors, irrigation. One of about 20 orchards that line either side of the street.

Left: the wood next door to my działka; birches and pines. I love looking at it from my kitchen table, on which I work, facing this scenery.

Below: back on the działka - my own private paradise, my own acre. The wood is to the right of the fence. [Not too happy about the darker splodge of sky - looks like a Photoshopped burn-in - it's not; the polarising filter does that.]

13K paces walked today - a relaxing 1st of May. Rain tomorrow - good - the land is getting dry; the fruit trees and bushes need water.

This time last year: 
Łady roadworks
(similar weather!)

This time two years:
S7 extension works

This time three years ago:

This time four years ago:

This time five years ago:
New roads and rails

This time six years ago:
The Gold Train shoot - lessons learned

This time seven years ago:
The Network vs The Hierarchy in politics

This time eight years ago:
45 years under one roof

This time nine years ago:
Digbeth, Birmingham 5

This time ten years ago:
Still months away from the opening of the S2/S79 

This time 11 years ago: 
Looking at progress along the S79  

This time 13 years ago:
Two Polands

This time 14 years ago:
A delightful weekend in the country

This time 15 years ago:
The dismantling of the Rampa

This time 16 years ago:
Flag day

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