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Friday 29 September 2023

By the light of the silvery moon

Oh what joy to be alive - two consecutive nights under an (almost) full moon in an (almost) cloudless sky. The quality of light on the land was something to behold - on both nights I set off with tripod, Nikon D5600 and 16-85mm lens. I could have stayed out for hours and hours; the nights were warm and the atmosphere entirely bewitching.

Below: prelude; moonrise, Jakubowizna, looking east. The farmhouse across the track still lit by the glow of the sky shortly after sunset. These nights will be amazing. [Photo taken on Nikon D3500 and kit 18-55mm lens. Get home, eat, change camera, set off.]

Below: oak lair, dell, a loon. The path to Grabina.

Below: the Great Bear, or the Plough in the top left, 28 September

Below: same place, the next night - 29 September - more clouds.

Below: "Don't the moon look lonesome/shinin' through the trees..."

Below: the path to Machcin II.

Below: left to Jakubowizna, right for Adamów Rososki. Nuit américaine.

Below: aspens to the left, apple trees to the right.

Below: young orchard at the foot of a forested hillside.

Below: a field of tomatoes in the moonlight; on the horizon, the lights of Chynów.

Below: the canonical silver birches, just before the orchards yield unto the forest.

Exposures - 30 seconds with lens wide open at f/3.5, zoomed out to 16mm (24mm equivalent on full-frame). Five hours in total over two nights wandering around the fields and forests and orchards - and I did not encounter a soul. Nuit américaine.

This time 11 years ago:
Łódź, city of culture

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