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Monday 11 September 2023

Summer's welcome extension

The last seven days have seen perfect blue skies. The orchards are ripened; fruit is being gathered in. It's still summer-hot, with highs approaching 30C. Despite the dryness, the earth isn't scorched, the vegetation hasn't been burnt brown. Optimal late-summer/early-autumn weather as far as I'm concerned. But it's definitely hotter than the early Septembers from days gone by. 

Below: a farm track wends its way through a small copse; behind me and ahead of me, orchards.

Below: over the next few weeks, this will be a common sight - tractor-hauled trains of apple-crates on their way to the punkt skupu, where they'll be sold.

Below: stepping out of Chynów station on the east side - Jabłkowizna full of apple.

Below: mid-century Americana in Kodachrome - the bottom end of my street.

Below: from the same end of my street, sunset across the tracks

Below: as canonical as prospects of Jakubowizna come - with a Radom-bound Koleje Mazowieckie train approaching Chynów station.

Below: wooden house, Barcice Rososkie. Another one where the new residence and farm buildings are out back, while the old house has been left as a kind of family museum, a placeholder that says: "we are from here."

I walked along the side of the main road to get from Grobice to Chynów, where I've found plenty of lovely large ripe hop cones growing wild on a field of corn. Below: looking east along the DK50.

Below: further along the farm track in the top photo, nearing the orchards a few days earlier, the sun setting behind the apple trees. The sun set at 19:00 today; two weeks until equilux (25 September - sunrise 06:26 - sunset 18:26 - 12 hours of day, 12 hours of night).

This time six years ago:
All hopped up
[Picked local hops today!]

This time eight years ago:
September song

This time ten year ago:
A traveller's tale (reading this shows how fast Poland has progressed in transport infrastructure)

This time 11 years ago:
One for the record - hot September day (30C)

This time 12 years ago:

This time 13 years ago:
The half-closed airport

This time 14 years ago:
Last of the summer bike rides to work?

This time 15 years ago:
My own Polish Adlestrop

This time 16 years ago:
Laurie Anderson's chillingly prescient 'O Superman'

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