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Thursday 2 November 2023

Early-November reflections

I decided that my cemetery visit yesterday wouldn't be to Chynów, but to Rososz - a longer (14,000 paces there and back) walk, but to a smaller, quieter and newer cemetery, surrounded by forest. The parish church was built in 1985, the earliest graves in this cemetery dates back to the late 1980s. Time to come to reflect in the stillness, upon life and death. I set off at half past three, planning to arrive shortly after sunset.

These two photos represent the whole cemetery, with one row of graves behind me. Rososz itself has a population of 75 residents (2018 data), surrounding villages (Rososzka, Dobiecin, Jurandów and Zbyszków) maybe another 300 more. There is a third of a century's worth of graves here right now - I wonder how the cemetery will look in ten, in twenty years' time.

Below: from the edge of Adamów Rososki, looking west towards Jakubowizna and a setting sun. On the outward leg of my walk - I returned in total darkness, much of the way through the forest.

Below: the same place, across the street, a day later. Machcin II to the left, Jakubowizna straight on, Adamów Rososki to the right.

It's that time of year when apple traffic is at its most intensive. Below: tractor hauling two trailers loaded with fruit heading south from Adamów Rososki to the nearest punkt skupu (point of purchase). 

I have been getting into the habit of going to bed at 10pm and rising at 6am. This gives me back that hour of daylight that the weekend's time-change has stolen from us all. So a morning walk is all the more pleasurable. Below: the trackside road, Chynów, one of the XII Canonical prospects, half an hour or so after sunrise...

...and half an hour or so after sunset. I love this place.

Further walk in the forest. In the distance I see some red discs - my immediate assumption was that these were discarded children's toys. As I got closer - I see large toadstools. The white 'warts' are are remnants of the membrane that enclosed the entire mushroom when young.

This time four years ago:

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