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Tuesday 14 November 2023

Edwardów, south-west of Chynów, dusk

Another village yet undiscovered on foot on a there-and-back journey from my działka. Unlike Lasopole, that I hadn't been through at all, Edwardów I know from motorbike journeys down to Warka, especially during the year when the main Chynów-Warka road was being re-laid. And further on down this road - indeed the next village along - is Budziszyn, home of Browar Perun craft brewery.

To get to Edwardów by foot from Jakubowizna meant making my way through the forest between Węszelówka and Wola Chynowska (the latter being Chynów's southern fringe). This route is formally called ulica Polna, though in stretches it's no more than an overgrown footpath, known only to locals. Once over ul. Warecka, the main Chynów-Warka road - now furnished with a proper pavement, I go down one of those roads of dubious right of way - is it a public thoroughfare or a private drive? No signs either way. At the end, ambiguity. According to the satellite photos, I should turn left at the end. Here I see a path marked as private land, and passing it by, I carry on to the end of an orchard - and then turn right towards Edwardów, passing a group of man-made ponds. Below: looking south across one of the ponds, ten minutes after sunset. 

Below: soon after, I am crossing the Czarna river on a small bridge, sufficient to carry a tractor. In the distance, a sluice gate topped with a foot crossing.

I pass an open gate, a sign on the back of it, not visible from the path, says 'Private land No entry'. I saw no analogous sign from the other side, so hey. I am now on ul. Leśna,below, the main road through Edwardów. This runs south through Budziszyn and Budziszynek, emerging in Michalczew where it meets the Warka road. Note the array of solar panels on the nearest house, and the fresh asphalt.

Edwardów itself is posh. It has no 'centre' as such - it's just a typical Polish village strung out along a road, but the houses on it are a) big and b) new. For some reason, this place attracts the construction of large detached homes, many of which are not yet visible on Google Maps Street View imagery from 2013, or else appear under construction. 

Below: "Soft wind blowin' through the pinewood trees/The folks down there live a life of ease". Dusk, Edwardów.

Below: the road runs north through Edwardów towards Chynów, where it meets the old DK 50.

I'm getting that vibe again. All that's needed between here and the old DK 50 is a neon sign and a roadside bar selling draft Rolling Rock beer.

This time two years ago:
Dealing with the Hammer of Darkness
(Go to bed an hour earlier - ignore time change - went to bed last night I went at 22:00 and had over nine hours of wonderful sleep!)

This time six years ago:
Poland's dream of a superconnector hub
(Looks like it's died)

This time seven years ago:
The magic of superzoom

This time 11 years ago:
Welcome to Lemmingrad

This time 13 years ago:
Dream highway

This time 14 years ago:
The Days are Marching

This time 16 years ago:
First snow, 2007
(It's 12C outside right now!)

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