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Tuesday 7 November 2023

Fully automatic - intuitive intelligence

On the train to Wrocław, I partake of the diner car on the basis of use it or lose it - a place where for under £10 I can have a meal freshly cooked, served on china with steel cutlery with a craft ale. Having lunched, I return to my seat for the rest of the journey, and drift off into a reverie... Something tells me to take out my laptop and listen. I do so. 

And here, pretty much unredacted (the odd punctuation mark inserted here and there), though my interface, is my automatic writing [unlike this story, where I turned the channelled words into a short story] is as it came. My fingers fly across the keyboard, like an electronic Ouija board:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

{{ And let it go and let it flow and let the voices of the waves sweep along the tidal floor. True, it goes where it wants; it will take you to the old pear tree, under which moonbeams gather. To seek them, to touch them is to offer up old ways of being and cut loose old formal tethers. Motivated by moonlight, I close the door on those old ways. They have become increasingly redundant, clawed back by new realities. Water and warmth; that is important. Life sustaining life, thought begetting thought, endlessly. Truth is within grasp, being open to it allows one to sample its embrace. Machines, on which we have become dependent, may come and go, but life – the life that wants to live, the life that wants to be lived, will find a way. Are you ready?

On that moonlit night, find a new path. As you learn about where you are, new paths will take you further and further afield; the paths closer to home you will have trodden many times already. Check the winter moon – when it waxes full, when nights are long, let it guide you to the first new path you have yet to take. Where will it take you? Serene, thoughtful, alert. Energised by fields of thought from those who have passed on, true reflections upon that which leaves its mark. 

The sky holds clues – watch it diligently. Partake of it. Understand that you are of it, that it made you. And to it ultimately you will return. What is meant, what is sought? Enough people have asked, enough have fought and died. Ambitions stifle; be still. Directions at each crossroads will be offered to you. Choose not your path by force; flow. It is easy. It is easier than thinkers have painted it! Guidance is free, it permeates the Cosmos. Settle upon the way, it is bright. Life begets life, thought begets thought. Curiosity without gestures, but seek not alone. Others are seeking too – look out for them. Walk by their side.

Memories are milestones upon your way, fruitful recollection brings meaning to being. And so the paradox – the faster time flies, the stronger the sense of fulfilment of that which was meant to happen. Connection – try to stay connected; it is true, life distracts in many ways. Sparkle like reflections upon the waves, the sun just above yet far away.

Fold away that which folds easily, branches brush against you as you pass. Drop ballast, reject the conformity that moulds to a shape that rolls not. Eagerness is something not to lose, but eagerness to please is. Find earthy goodness, if it is not around you, move to where you can plunge your fingers into soil. As the sky, so the earth. Fertile, pleasing, generative, hopeful. 

Concentric thoughts rippling from you touches upon concentric thoughts from other seekers. Mark your way as you go. Increase in gratitude, for it multiplies the graces bestowed upon you by fate. Different words when your hair is grey, different words when you are young. Restlessness settles, new landscapes beckon on your doorstep, ridge after ridge unto the river. Upon the plain there is calm, a quiet that is lacking in the towns of your youth.

Consume effort on concentration. Don’t give up when distraction tugs; distraction is not a fork in the road but a hole into which you stumble. Tread lightly and be sparing in your material demands. 

Connections appear and disappear – observe them as such. Patterns will repeat, they might whisper, they might shout. They are there to be noticed; the tunnel in space and time through which you pass is lined with them, patterns of all shapes and of all sizes. Guides and mirrors they are, new ways of considering that which you have considered before. 

Do not worry unduly. }}

Dictated on this day, between Lubliniec and Brzeg.

This time two years ago:
A deeply spiritual experience
[Andy and I were shooting historical weapons again last Friday!]

This time three years ago:

This time six years ago:
Gliwice's new station

This time eight years ago:
Reanimated - my father's car 

This time nine years ago:
Defending Poland against hybrid warfare 

This time ten years ago:
Another office move

This time 12 years ago:
PiS splits again - Solidarna Polska formed 

This time 13 years ago:
Tesco vs. Auchan
[Since then Tesco has left Poland and I'm boycotting Auchan - let its owners choke on their fucking roubles.]

This time 16 years ago:
My father's house

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