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Wednesday 16 January 2008

Can't make it without coffee

Arriving in Kraków today in time for a lunchtime meeting, I was afflicted by a bastard headache. It was caused by a) not drinking enough green tea before leaving home this morning (we were all in a rush to leave), and b) falling asleep on the train with my neck in an awkward position. The headache was not in the least bit relieved by two Cokes; two aspirins reduced the pain somewhat, but it was only a double espresso that finally got rid of it! Caffeine is indeed dreadfully hard to kick. Lent starts in earnest in three weeks' time, so I shall try once more to do without coffee, switching to green and white tea, then weaning myself gently off caffeine by February 6. Why am I doing this? Find out nearer the start of Lent.

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