My new online project...

Wednesday 16 January 2008

Just before dawn, Ursynów

An early start this morning, leaving home half an hour before sunrise. At the end of ul. Kórnicka as it joined ul. Baletowa, I grabbed this snap (1/3 sec exposure), not expecting it to come out. But although blurred, it does have huge character; this is The Road, USA, Jeziorki-style.

Above: the junction of ul. Poleczki and ul. Pulawska. Traffic heading into town is not yet chock-a-block; by 8 am it will be.

Above: Ursynów's main drag, al. KEN, looking for all the world like some remote Russian city within the Arctic Circle on a winter's noon. Note the cycle path (behind the green pedestrian traffic signals) - it has not been cleared of snow and ice, while the footpath next to it has been. "Makes sense," I thought. "Not really the kind of weather for cyclists" - just then...


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