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Tuesday 25 March 2008

The fate of urban wetlands?

Is this the inevitable fate of the wetlands at the end of ul. Trombity? This is Paradise Fields wetlands, Greenford, Middlesex ( 51°32'39.08"N, 0°20'29.23"W). A mile or so from our London house, eight miles from Marble Arch. Packaged as a "leisure facility" for coachloads of bored school children. On our visit, Moni, Eddie and I were outnumbered by uniformed council Rangers on patrol, each sporting a pair of binoculars and wellies. Viewing platforms, fenced off from the water, enable visitors to safely participate in the wetlands experience. Footpaths prevent footwear from becoming muddy. Byelaws (below) prevent you from doing everything except fly-tipping and dumping litter (the one thing that detracts from our Jeziorki wetlands paradise.

Let's hope that our low, low council rates in Jeziorki (30 quid a year) stops anyone in the Town Hall from having any right-on ideas about civilising our reedbeds.

I find it quite amazing that Polish is becoming the London Borough of Ealing's second official language!

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