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Tuesday 25 March 2008

Lent - a summing up

Seven weeks after I started my 17th annual Lenten fast, three days after Easter Sunday, time for a summary. I gave up meat, dairy products, fish; caffeine (coffee and tea), alcohol, salt snacks, fast food, sugar, confectionary, cake. Weight down by seven pounds/half a stone/three and a bit kilo.

Blood pressure down (I suspect as a result from not salting my food) from 142/93 to 133/89. Pulse down from 102 to 70. One whole inch off from round the middle. I feel calmer. My desk at work is tidy.

I've gone back to my usual foods and drink, but will persevere with the salt ban. Too readily have I reached for the salt cellar without checking the salinity of what I'm about to eat. Having got used to the taste of less-salted food, I'll stick to that. I did not miss meat much, so will eat it sparingly in future. Giving up TV was no problem at all. Music and film I did miss and will continue to indulge myself.

Exercise - did 150 sit-ups today (two lots of 75) and will stick to this too, and indeed started doing press-ups (two lots of seven today). This seems to give results in the long term - as long as one is systematic about it.

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