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Tuesday 24 March 2009

Four weeks into Lent

120 sit-ups (55 in the morning, 65 in the evening), 35 press-ups (17 + 18), still strictly keeping to diet, harder to lose inches round the middle, feeling hungry several times a day.

Weather here in Warsaw - an unwelcome return to winter, after my four days of gorgeous spring in London. This is so unpleasant. It feels like winter will never depart. The wet snow that melts during the day; unpaved surfaces are turning to quagmire, paved surfaces are slick with a thin though omnipresent layer of thin mud.

And ul. Baletowa is being dug up, ostensibly no traffic allowed down the stretch from ul. Jeziorki up to the railway line, but in practice everyone is ignoring the no entry signs causing chaos and churning up mud. Quite awful.

This time last year:
Snowy Easter in England!

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