Early Easter and late snow affected England too. A country where a White Christmas is a rarity, snow in late-March is an extremely unusual sight. On Easter Saturday, Manchester was visited by hailstones (
above). And on Easter Sunday, after having been to a two-hour Resurrection Vigil mass, we awoke to see snow.
Right: A folk carving of a
Pensive Christ (
Chrystus Frasobliwy) on Easter Day.
Lent is over. Back to meat, cheese, fish, coffee, wine etc etc. The long fast has ended, cleansing the body, strengthening the Will. Final weight on Easter Sunday, 11 st 3lb. Half a stone taken off. Three and half bags of sugar. 130 sit-ups (two lots of 65) - I will continue with the exercise regime as it has shaved an inch off round my middle.
1 comment:
As ever, your blog is revelatory in so many ways - the great in the small - the pensive Christ is a wonderful tradition to learn about and to embrace. An example for us all - within the frame of modern life, the more pensive and meditative we becoum, so should the world redeem itself. If I have learned anything from lent and Eastertide, it is to appreciate everything that one has and sees; capture each moment as it slowly vapourises into the slipstream of eternity. Christ is risen. The light of the world prevails, even in our darkest hours.
Frater Cornucopius Null
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