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Sunday 17 October 2010

The autumn sublime in Jeziorki

Another utterly gorgeous day. This October must be shaping up to be the sunniest on record - or at least in my 13 years living in Warsaw. A day of such beauty can not be resisted; after lunch, I take sunglasses and camera (and polarising filter!) and head off.

Above: halfway up ul. Trombity. The sun is low but still strong, an chillly wind from the south-east kept the daytime high down to a mere +8C. Three-layer weather for walking.

Above: across the tracks, between W-wa Dawidy and W-wa Jeziorki. The overhead wires emphasise the flatness of the countryside.
Above: Warsaw-bound Koleje Mazowieckie double-decker train on its way from Radom has just passed W-wa Jeziorki, the first suburban station within Warsaw's boundary.

Left: the fields between ul. Karczunkowska and Mysiadło. Some are full of cabbage awaiting harvest; others are lying fallow, others have just been ploughed; others are full of weed - mugwort or wrotycz, and goldenrod or nawroć.

Below: two new houses set back from ul. Trombity, seen from ul. Nawłocka. Marvel at the crystal clarity of the sky; not a single cloud.

May this weather continue as long as possible. The dry spell has now lasted 16 days interrupted only by a spot of rain on Friday morning.

Right: nearly home. On ul. Trombity, a small stand of silver birches by the road by the pond, shimmering like iridium under the deepening blue sky. The day has not been wasted; time has been gainfully spent in communion with nature's beauty. My soul is at peace.


  1. Beautiful photos. The blue-gradient of the sky is incredible. Especially in the last snap, with the birches...
