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Monday 18 October 2010

Shot from the saddle

A no-excuse-for-not-cycling day today. Taking the cycle path over the junction between ul. Puławska and Dolina Służewiecka, I snap the enormous traffic jam that stretches all the way back to the outskirts of Piaseczno. Poor, poor saps sitting in their cars. Just compare the roadspace needed by a bus carrying 80 people and 60 cars carrying the same number.

Further on down the road: ul. Puławska is clearer by the time we reach ul. Dolna. Here, the cyclepath disappears for a while. Functionalist mid 1930s architecture lines the street.

And onto Al. Ujazdowskie, passing the office of the Council of Ministers (below), presided over by the premier. The cyclepath here is wonderful.

Below: almost there, having descended down ul. Agricola, I cut across the Ujazdowski park, under the Zamek Ujazdowski. Weather perfect this morning, invigorating, tingling the senses. Much more pleasant than cycling in the height of summer.

Don't know how long the weather will last; by mid-morning it had clouded over, I cycled home on a gloomy grey overcast evening.


  1. I'm afraid the buildings on your picture are not 'socialist realist'. They were built a bit earlier, in functionalist and modernist styles, designed by great Polish architects:

    Worth keeping in mind :-)

  2. Factically (faktycznie).

    Mid '30s functionalism indeed! As confirmed by my copy of Architektura w Warszawie by Marta Leśniakowska. The Socialist Realist buildings are further down Puławska parallel to ul. Bukowińska.

    Will amend post - thanks for bringing this mistake to my attention!
