My new online project...

Thursday 14 October 2010

In which I call a Blogmeet

It's been six months since Poland's leading English-language bloggers last sat down around a table groaning with fine foods and tankards of foaming ale. That was at Restauracja Nostalgia in Kraków, a memorable night. It's time for a Warsaw blogmeet. We have some new and reactivated bloggers emerging here in the capital, my bloglist (right) has recently been expanded and all the new links are to blogs that are Warsaw-based and in English.

May I suggest either 6th of 20th November, somewhere in Centrum (suggestions please!).

Invited are all bloggers, would-be bloggers, commentators, readers and well-wishers.

Hot topics of conversation will include latest trends in blogging, traffic stats and what can be done to increase readership, advertising (worth trying to monetise our endeavours or not?).

Please post a comment or personal message if you want to come along, stating preference for date. The last Warsaw blogmeet was at Piwna Kompania on Podwale (long table in an alcove set off from the main floor of the restaurant) - ideal location; if anyone has any alternatives where the fare is filling, the beer good and price amenable, please suggest.


  1. Howdy Michael,

    Both dates work fine for me. Location as you mentioned was quite good. Service was friendly but this time I have to get the Golanka po Bawarsku after eating so many of them in Bavaria last year with Ewa on our bike ride.

    I am certainly open to other venues. I' drop Adam a note.


  2. Got a few emails saying both dates fine. The majority for one or the other will decide.


  3. I was just thinking the same—must be an autumn-weather thing.

  4. Jamie - thinking of coming up to Warsaw? Bob has a great venue in mind.

  5. Okay, it's working now. Mail sent earlier. MailS to be precise!

    I'm for the 20th, roughly 14:00 - 18:30 somewhere near the centrum miasta.

    Over and out. See you there!

  6. Michael,

    The physical ebodiment of my meagre contribution to the English language blogosphere in Poland couldn't be present on the 6th but could on the 20th.

    Kind regards,

