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Wednesday 13 October 2010

Warsaw Metro vignette

So I'm on my way to work, leave the car at Ursynów Park+Ride and into the Metro. Last carriage, so I can get out at the Trasa Łazienkowska exit at Politechnika station. The carriage is full of primary school children - nine or ten years old, on an outing with their teachers. Most Warsaw Metro carriages now have flat screen TVs which transmit news headlines, weather, travel, local events and ads. The children, on their way to Centrum, are glued to the screen, reading aloud each news story and commenting on it. I'm impressed with their general knowledge.

Up comes news that the first of the trapped Chilean miners have reached the surface - and some 15 little voices raise a spontaneous cheer.

I find this scene delightful. The children have evidently been following the story over the past weeks - indeed months. Their reaction, so human, so genuine, touched me. I can see a great future for Poland in these intelligent and sensitive citizens-to-be.

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