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Saturday 26 March 2011

Winter's slight return II

The surprise hit me not when I opened my curtains this morning but rather yesterday morning when I checked the 48-hour weather forecast on (the UM model). It suggested that snow would fall overnight. Which indeed it did. Last night, when I was picking Moni up from the Metro station around 11pm, the car thermometer read +7C. Then just after midnight, in the space of just 20 minutes, the temperature plunged by four degrees. And soon after it started snowing.

So gets it right again. I can recommend this service as being very accurate, although the 84-hour COAMPS model forecast also found on is not so good.

The overnight snow is rapidly disappearing from the lawn as I write these words and I'd be reasonably sure that this is the last snow of this winter. So time to take the camera and set off for a walk around the snow-covered fields for what could be the last time for eight or nine months.

Above: the pond on the corner of ul. Katarynki and ul. Pozytywki (barrel-organ and music box streets respectively). According to Google Maps, this small piece of water is called 'Jezioro Wąsal'.

Above: snow covers mud on the fields between ul. Żmijewska and ul. Karczunkowska. No ice on the water in the drainage ditch.

Above: looking towards ul. Karczunkowska, in the distance the blue roofs of our neighbours' houses across the way on ul. Trombity.

This time two years ago:
Winter in spring: last of the snow?
This time three years ago:

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